
a personal blog

Baby Julia the Bag Pack.

بِسْــــــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِارَّحْمَنِ ارَّحِيم

alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah...

Haih la Julia. From now on, I'm going to call my laptop Julia ok. Eh kenapa pulak tuan dia nama minah, laptop nama Julia pulak. Langkah bendul betul. Well, since minah's been living like kayak dibawah tempering (dahsatkan auto correct manipulate spellig saya!) lately- missed her friend's surprise party last week and her friend's henna party this week for work- she decided, she might as well socialize with her laptop. Me and you, it's a love and hate relationship.

I was sick of looking at you throughout my zombie hours. Now, which supposedly be my time for recharge, I come back to you. I need to write, I come to you. When I need to draw, I also come back to you. Nak lukis pon kena guna laptop. Soon enough my kids will ask - what do you mean drawing with pencil? What is pencil anyway?

Really, I love you Julia. I just get overwhelmed sometimes when pressures are being put between me and you. The mental pressure and physical pressure. It's amazing how mamat and I've been living together (which according to him we're like married but getting for a divorce soon enough. We've some loyalty issue....loll funneh mamat!!) but still, the rare times that he carries my bag pack he would say - the heck do you carry in your bag?!!! Haiyya. Tired of going over this again. I'm not carrying stones and boulders. There's just baby Julia. Which I wonder sometimes, is she heavier than baby Husna?

One of the days. Mcm over pon ye! Tp alhamdulillah what is there to complain when with this,
Allah gave me a sturdy bag pack? Say hi to Julia y'all.
 Anak cucu cicitku, treasure the moment of being a college students.
It used to be that I pray to Allah - Oh Allah pleaseee make it light what's heavy in my bag pack. Help me carry it with ease. There were times when I forgot I even carried baby Julia inside because the weight felt like it was almost gone. Then I'd say, thank you Allah for making it easy. It's either You've lightened the burden or You've given me extra packs in the shoulders.

Regardless of everything I've said, you're still my blessing, Julia. Would it be too much if I said you're like a girlfriend I never had? Yes...too much minah. Too much. And too sad also. Tak yah bodek sangat sebab Julia takde perasaan pon.

Ya Allah, I don't know what's up with me right now talking by myself, personifying objects. Please help me get through this phase successfully. Help me get back on track. My sanity is going slowly...

To end with a meaningful remark (so that you don't feel wasted reading this post) I want to share...

Kaki itu adalah nikmat dari Allah yang kita tak pernah harapkan dan mintakkan pon. Tapi bila Allah dah beri kaki, kita jadi kaki panjang, kaki teranjang, kaki botol, kaki lelaki/perempuan, kaki judi/disco, kakitangan (eh?). Dalam surah Yaasin, ada diriwayatkan kisah banu Salamah tentang kaki :)
Jabir ibn Abdullah Radiyallahu ‘anhuma narrates that some plots of land surrounding the Masjid of Nabi Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam were vacant. Banu Salimah intended to shift close to the masjid. When this news reached Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, he said to them: I have come to know that you intend to shift close to the masjid. They replied: O Rasulallah! Yes indeed, we wanted this. Then he said: O Bani Salimah! Keep living in your houses, your footsteps are recorded as good deeds. Keep living in your houses, your footsteps are recorded as good deeds.(Muslim) 

Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu ‘anhu narrates that Nabi Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said: Anyone of you who leaves his home to come to my masjid, for every footstep a virtue is written, and for every other footstep a sin is erased, until he returns.(Ibn Hibban)
Cakap pasal kaki ni adalah gara2 kaki kiriku terseliuh baru2 ni. I was limping for two days but alhamdulillah it's getting because. Syukurrrr sangat2. Otherwise it would've been a different story. What's funny was that, I remembered clearly that the day before, I saw people here and there walking on campus with crouches, bandages on their feet, with a scooter like assistance and I said, Maashallah...I wonder what it's like. Toughnyaaa mereka datang ke kelas dlm keadaan macam tu! When it happened to me, I heard a coincidental intermission screaming "Go break a leg!" I just smirked. I was also reminded to walk slowly, enjoy the weather and scenery. I've the reputation of walking fast. That's my ADD syndrome. For every limp I took, I imagine myself ten steps ahead. And still I wished I could fly going to classes? Astaghfirullah. Saayang kaki. Sebab kaki ni Allah dah jadikan Muslim, janganlah kita lead dia ke kufuran. May Allah help us strive towards His pleasure with the many gifts He granted us. Amin.


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