
a personal blog

i'm bored ...

... and i'm missing this minah!

p/s: SATs result dah dapat...alhamdulillah it wasn't that bad. sumer paper aku kene amek highest, for science, aku dpt lvl 6 n as for maths, aku dpt lvl 7 (<-- sangat pelik. tp, syukuurr). mmg science n maths susah aa...apetah lagi english...T_T *prays to God* english, tatau lg..insyaAllah, 21st August ni, the result with be posted. ade kawan aku kasik hadiah kat aku walaupon result camtue...wawawaaa terharu nyer. tenkiu3! *sigh...alhamdulillah..i honestly neva thought i cud make it. kawan aku pon ckp, "bagus laa...malas2 blaja pon result oke" akakaka. sempat lagi perli. saye terase, ye cik. :D i'm syukur upon Allah. ade hikmah, tuue. mane bleyh orang tak berusaha senang2 dpt result camtu. aku tak bleyh eksyen. lepas ni aku nak blaja btol2 (yea rite! :P). huuhu..tak saba2 nak start skolah! i'll be in year 10! masok college! wihiiee...n doing my favourite subjects!


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