Assalamualaikum... was just another ordinary day. aku bangun, mandi, makan, tgk tv......tenet? wasn't on it. along ngan anip were too busy playing their game. ayah, dok dlm bilik aka his office. time lapar baru kluar. makan...then, naik atas balik doing his work. aku dari pagi tadik tgk tv je...once in a while, anip came n watched the tele with me. that kinda entertained me. :). nothing really good was on it. actually, there was. skang ni musim European Athletics. smalam banyak acara padang...but today, main event was high jump. hoho. best nyeeer. i most wanted to watch long jump, tho. long jump best~...then, ade news. kat london, sibuk kes Terror Plot. yg disyaki is a pakistani (muslim obviously)...and his wife or sommet. not sure but there were a couple of people involved. flight tu nak ke america n derang jumpa liquid bom dlm botol. konon nye tu air oren...huhu. however did they trace that, i've no idea. n emmm...skang ni, hand luggage is restricted. it's banned...even laptops. only to america ke camner ntah. i think mmg dah banned completely kot. ntah2. it was only confirmed yesterday n at that moment jugak derang kene unpack barang2 derang. hoho. there was a tremendous chaos in heatrow london airpot. all flight was then canceled. dunno how they get that settled butttt,,,,, heatrow airport was full n very crowded. ramai sgt orang sampai penuh bangunan. orang kene beratur sampai terkeluar kluar dari airport. things got worse when it rained a bit. the weather toksah mention la..sejok. skang dah 11 oc. other news, 12 orang lagi meninggal kat lebanon. sama2 la kite doakan semoga roh2 saudara seislam kite dicucuri rahmat. mati syahid~ giler btol israel.
aku sebenanye takde ape nak cite nih. actually, ade...banyak. tapi takde mood ah. oh bdway, esok aku nak puasa. puasa bulan rejab! baru bleyh puasa... so, jom nak kita ramai2 puasa! tambahkan amal pd bulan. n plus, to girls out there, mane yg blom ganti habis ganti puasa, baik korang start skarang. we're left with less than 2 months! emm...maghrib masok sok bape, ehh skarang? kol 8.41 pm camtue, kan? will get sooner. :).
kamis tu, mama belikan aku a musical box. whooa...i've been wanting that ever since balik mesia aritu. i found this accesories storage box that came in with music. i loved it soo much. it was mama's tho. hadiah kahwin mama. caaaantek sgt. it was gold in colour n ade sulaman on top of it. dalam, ade cermin n place to put rings, bracelets n what not. i didn't give a damn of what the in side bit looked like. aku suka music tu je. lagu Fur Ellise...we wind it up, n it plays the song. beest sgt. i wanted it so badly. instead of asking for hers (which i, in a million years wudn't do coz tu hadiah kahwin mama! someone special might have given that to her..that thing seemed so expensive n posh..) i determined to buy mine own. so, aku check kat takde. bukan takde musical box..ade. tp, aku nak lagu For Ellise jugak! lagu lain tak best~...then, pegi jusco. 3 kedai gak la survey tp, sume takde lagu tuu..haih boring nyer. so, i didn't buy any.
i don't mind how the box looks like. it's just the music. aku nk lagu fur ellise jugak! it's a kind of lagu where it can bring me to calm...lagu slow tapi best~ it's a kind of lagu where at nite, before i go to bed, i cud play it over n over again until i fall asleep. hurmm..sampai skarang aku tak jumpa. the searching is still ongoing. eventho mama dah belikan aku this musical box yang lagu nyer somewhat best jugak. best lagu tu. "Feeling", it's called. by who, i dunno...but the song is astonishingly magical n u know what, bloggie? i place it next to me evrynite n play it over n over again without getting bored. hehe..not so much of an accesories storage, now is it? :D. yg musical box fur ellise tu bleyh tunggu. taper la..aku kawen nnt, ade la orang special yg akn hadiahkan kat aku plak. :)...heh heh. dat wud be anip! buat request kat dier je..:D dier slalu blanje aku. tu la contoh adek mithali ye kawan2 :P.
okeh. it's too late now. gotta go to bed. esok kene bangon awal. nak bangon sahur esok.
oh!n don forget to amalkan tasbih fatimah sbelom tido! 33 kali Subhanallah, 33 kali Alhamdulillah, 33 kali Allah Huakbar! if that was to be ur last sleep, amal itu akan menggantikan dengan pahala darah syuhada' (org2 yg mati syahid), insyaAllah.
oh...just before that, here's something that really really really made my day. :D malam ini, akanku tersengih dalam tiduur... was just another ordinary day. aku bangun, mandi, makan, tgk tv......tenet? wasn't on it. along ngan anip were too busy playing their game. ayah, dok dlm bilik aka his office. time lapar baru kluar. makan...then, naik atas balik doing his work. aku dari pagi tadik tgk tv je...once in a while, anip came n watched the tele with me. that kinda entertained me. :). nothing really good was on it. actually, there was. skang ni musim European Athletics. smalam banyak acara padang...but today, main event was high jump. hoho. best nyeeer. i most wanted to watch long jump, tho. long jump best~...then, ade news. kat london, sibuk kes Terror Plot. yg disyaki is a pakistani (muslim obviously)...and his wife or sommet. not sure but there were a couple of people involved. flight tu nak ke america n derang jumpa liquid bom dlm botol. konon nye tu air oren...huhu. however did they trace that, i've no idea. n emmm...skang ni, hand luggage is restricted. it's banned...even laptops. only to america ke camner ntah. i think mmg dah banned completely kot. ntah2. it was only confirmed yesterday n at that moment jugak derang kene unpack barang2 derang. hoho. there was a tremendous chaos in heatrow london airpot. all flight was then canceled. dunno how they get that settled butttt,,,,, heatrow airport was full n very crowded. ramai sgt orang sampai penuh bangunan. orang kene beratur sampai terkeluar kluar dari airport. things got worse when it rained a bit. the weather toksah mention la..sejok. skang dah 11 oc. other news, 12 orang lagi meninggal kat lebanon. sama2 la kite doakan semoga roh2 saudara seislam kite dicucuri rahmat. mati syahid~ giler btol israel.
aku sebenanye takde ape nak cite nih. actually, ade...banyak. tapi takde mood ah. oh bdway, esok aku nak puasa. puasa bulan rejab! baru bleyh puasa... so, jom nak kita ramai2 puasa! tambahkan amal pd bulan. n plus, to girls out there, mane yg blom ganti habis ganti puasa, baik korang start skarang. we're left with less than 2 months! emm...maghrib masok sok bape, ehh skarang? kol 8.41 pm camtue, kan? will get sooner. :).
kamis tu, mama belikan aku a musical box. whooa...i've been wanting that ever since balik mesia aritu. i found this accesories storage box that came in with music. i loved it soo much. it was mama's tho. hadiah kahwin mama. caaaantek sgt. it was gold in colour n ade sulaman on top of it. dalam, ade cermin n place to put rings, bracelets n what not. i didn't give a damn of what the in side bit looked like. aku suka music tu je. lagu Fur Ellise...we wind it up, n it plays the song. beest sgt. i wanted it so badly. instead of asking for hers (which i, in a million years wudn't do coz tu hadiah kahwin mama! someone special might have given that to her..that thing seemed so expensive n posh..) i determined to buy mine own. so, aku check kat takde. bukan takde musical box..ade. tp, aku nak lagu For Ellise jugak! lagu lain tak best~...then, pegi jusco. 3 kedai gak la survey tp, sume takde lagu tuu..haih boring nyer. so, i didn't buy any.
i don't mind how the box looks like. it's just the music. aku nk lagu fur ellise jugak! it's a kind of lagu where it can bring me to calm...lagu slow tapi best~ it's a kind of lagu where at nite, before i go to bed, i cud play it over n over again until i fall asleep. hurmm..sampai skarang aku tak jumpa. the searching is still ongoing. eventho mama dah belikan aku this musical box yang lagu nyer somewhat best jugak. best lagu tu. "Feeling", it's called. by who, i dunno...but the song is astonishingly magical n u know what, bloggie? i place it next to me evrynite n play it over n over again without getting bored. hehe..not so much of an accesories storage, now is it? :D. yg musical box fur ellise tu bleyh tunggu. taper la..aku kawen nnt, ade la orang special yg akn hadiahkan kat aku plak. :)...heh heh. dat wud be anip! buat request kat dier je..:D dier slalu blanje aku. tu la contoh adek mithali ye kawan2 :P.
okeh. it's too late now. gotta go to bed. esok kene bangon awal. nak bangon sahur esok.
oh!n don forget to amalkan tasbih fatimah sbelom tido! 33 kali Subhanallah, 33 kali Alhamdulillah, 33 kali Allah Huakbar! if that was to be ur last sleep, amal itu akan menggantikan dengan pahala darah syuhada' (org2 yg mati syahid), insyaAllah.
oh...just before that, here's something that really really really made my day. :D malam ini, akanku tersengih dalam tiduur...
(kat Bandar Seri Putra, Bangi where aku dok for a month untuk jg batrisya...just nearby KUIS(Kolej Uni Islam Selangor))
(rumah jenis apartment)
( "te..te.." is wat she ususally calls me....omg3! cian nyer beby makngahh..T_T)
(aaaaaaaaaaaww..*__* how i wishh!!!)
(batrisya n i totally hate cold water...n kaklong only got those water heaters when i've left...ggrr..for a month i've to put up with dat! :P)
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