
a personal blog

Smalam bday along! (24/03/07)

Happy 17th Birthday Dear Along

i wont say much about him since half of me is still feeeling like smashing the pc and plus, all u need to know is that he's ma bro who hs a sense of style, humour and pakistani-look. enough said. uh nway! i made him D BEST birthday cake EVA; a chocolate cake with a hint delight of cappucino and a slight spicy sweet almond on the outside (so slight you could hardly notice...aku gune lesong batu lepas mama buat sambal blacan :P tips, tuue) n a rich creamy fudge sandwich in between n i bought him a ps2 game...great~ so much for his exams.

rite...sape pegi PRI? lol...bad nak ikot kan? :P nasha blanje, nak? tapi gune duit bad....ngeh3. so far, yg aku tau, payat, along, dayah. hurmmm~ tak kesah kalo orang tak dtg ramai. sbb kite pegi nak menuntut ilmu, ye tak? nawaitu dihati mesti la nak blaja...bukan nak jumpe awek/balak, kan kan...waaa...for once i'm making sense.

anyhoo...smalam munirah mcr rang aku. terkejot berok~ sweet suara dia. nway, dia tanya nape tak datang ke bengkel exam BM. aku kate takde duit. semua kluarga roslan skang tgh pokai~ hohoho. dgn birthdays, MOT, tax, insurance, VISA yg dah expired (don't tell anyone!:P),, takper laa. at least now i know that izer's doin it. didn't know before. tapi, banyak lagi la bebudak yg buat. teens form swansea, cardiff, liverpool and bla bla bla...cuma minah dari LB tu je yg tersangkut.

rite...smlam aku tido awal. lepas orang dtg; anty ayu & uncle zulhelmi (anak derang zariq), kak awin & abg henrick(name oghe sabah!, turn along bukak present plak. pastu main kejap game dia. best~ pastu plak diorang nak main badminton. yep....kat ruang tamu. dont worry about it. it's our thing.

then, aku masok bilik aku yg kemas lagi wangi tu~ (terpakse kemas sbb orang nak dtg :P) aku igt aku tanak buang mase dgn main game n bukak tenet. so, i cecided to read a book. Yes~ and you know where this leads to. TIDO! aiyark..camne tak tertido...position pon dah best. bace buku sambil baring. no wonder kene pakai speck~ ah senyap lah! pastu2, kol 11:05, fon aku bebunyik...berbunyik? yep~ berbunyik~

i woke up, marah sbb terkejot(:P), mamai pe sumer and i reached ma fon. nombonye aku tak kenal. tapi orang nye aku tau....tambahan, nombo tu aku tak add lagi. so, it appeared as a bunch of numbers. so aku bace..."Nasha niyh cantik ah" i was like...saper nih? ooohh.diaa, ke~ writing dia mmg kenal la.

so, cammane ni nasha? i'm not proud of it nor am i mad of it. tapi kenapa cakap camtue...tak baik~ kesian aku. mebby he's just saying that. dia kan baik n honest n polite sumer. it's not like him to fool around. but then again, we are friends. friends fool around all the time :). it was so random tho~ coz we've been talking about PRI and exam BM. pastu dia tak anta pape for 2/3/4 days?? pastu plak tetiba ckp tu~ hoho.

eyt! ape salahnye? aku ni haa pikir yg ntah pape~ aku slalu cakap kengkawan aku comei, cantik, ensem...tak salah poon. thehie...yea innit?! aiseymen. fon aku plak ngek ngok. cammane laa ni. if i were to balas anyway, what i wud've said was this "aaaww..that's the nicest thing you've said in years. lol. hehe." or "lol...awak pon ape kurang....cantik jugak. eheh". lol i sound stupid. owh well1 no need to think about that. my fon's dead nway. wonder when i'm gone get it fixed~

eyyy! aku nak pegi cinema! huiyehh! peaty nak blanje aku!!! double huuiyehh!! hehee...alhamdulillah. baek giler. lol. tu pon sbb aku pretend merajok sbb dia spatotnye jd partner aku kat food tech in our project of Pasties. but then dia terlupa bawak ingredients. aku tak kesah kalo doa lupa bawak onion or mushroom. ni tak! dia lupa bawak the most crucial thing. PASTRY! who wouldn't have gotten mad. kan kan??

she'll come to pick me up at 2. then tgk cite yg baru kluar ni....cite hantuuuuuuuuuuu..wargh! triple huiiyeh!! best nyer~ meanwhile, aku kene abehkan hwk aku dulu! aiyark...potong line btol. :P i don't think i've any hwk. i'll check.

k! smell ya later!


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