
a personal blog


1. If you were to find out you were
pregnant right now what would you do?
~ uw! babiesss!XD

2. Do you trust your friends?
most of them

3. Would you move to another state or
country to be with the person you love?
~ my husband, sure thing

4. Do you believe that everything
happens for a reason?
~ yer3..but sometimes we forget...

5. Name one thing you would not
tolerate in a relationship.
~ pervyness n ignorance

6. Which of your friends do you think
would make the best roommate for you?
~ ila

7. Do you think he/she loves you?
~ what? my roommate? or balak? well i dont have any. so shupp then....(marah nampakk...:P)

8. Are you afraid of falling in love?
~ well to be honest, yes

9. Is there someone who pops into your
mind at random times?

10. Would you stop talking to your
friends because you hooked up with a
new guy/girl?
~ no way...

11. Do you delete people on friendster
when you're mad at them?
~ nope.

12. From your friends list, who can
you call in the middle of the night?
~ i seldomly call ppl...but, i'd call dayah, izer, kak safiah, whoever's fun n nice to talk to.

14. Fill in the blank. I Like _____.
~ you for reading my blog?

15. What are your goals in life?
~ survive.

17. Would you make a good parent?
~ insyallah :)

18. Where was your default pic taken?
~ luar rumahh

19. What is your middle name?
~ innocent? :P nasha...

20. Hotmail or AOL?
~em neither.

21. What's on your mind right now?
~ kjap lg badminton, representing charnwood. hurmm...pukul brapa nk mandi...

25. Best place to go for a date:
~ korea :P WITH my husband that is. i dont wanna go on a date wit anyone else >.<

26. Ever had heartbreak?
~ oh cummon, everyone has had thiers...

27. Do you have something that not
many people have?
~ yesss...:D:D:D:D and that is why i'm still surviving.

28. What was your dream about last
~em tade mimpi.tido mati :D


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