
a personal blog

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Blessings and farewell to FB page
Mon, 14 February, 2011 22:26:50

Darlin Cast & Crew of V-Team, 
I wanted to let you know that I will probably be dismantling the FB page by the end of the week. I can barely keep up with my own FB page, much less 2. Also, I try to stay 'hidden' from students and use my alias in order to maintain professional boundaries as an instructor at OCC. 
I think I friended most of you from my page-(shhhh....)but just wanted to give you the heads up, so we can start to separate (at least digitally) w/o too much anxiety--(only from this FB page of course). 

Hope you all are doing well and getting some much deserved R&R....I am experiencing serious post-show depression and vagina withdrawals! 
So, stay in touch and send the love!!

Also, for those that shared stories and for those that were unspoken, nurture yourself in the coming weeks. Talk to a counselor (find one if you don't have one) Oakton has great feminist counselors, RVA, NWCASA, Chicago Women's Health Center...or talk to a friend, teacher, mentor---just talk--doing this show stirs up a great deal of emotion, whether you are a survivor or not. Don’t bottle up your emotions or shut yourself down, let it out and start to heal mentally, emotionally, and physically!
This means a holistic- whole body approach to self-care and self-love. 
So, get in touch with your spiritual side, whoever & whatever is your "higher power", "God", "force", "goddess". 

Take care of your body--eat healthy and life giving foods, exercise in some shape or form for mental clarity and well-being, and be kind to your bodies... get a massage, take a warm bath...!
Nurture yourself mental and emotionally, tell yourself one affirming thing everyday for the next 2 weeks. "I am beautiful", "I am smart", "I will find a job", “I love my body”, "I can pass that test", "I am worthy", whatever it is...tell yourself often and you will eventually believe it. 
Lastly, love your vagina--the source of your feminine power and energy. If you don’t know her, take her out on a date, if it has been awhile, get to know her again on some level that is comfortable to you!

Much love to you all and best wishes for a V-rockin year!!

Be well!



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