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Penipuan Jurutera Komputer
Oleh: Ustaz Zaharuddin Abd Rahman
Editor: NuurZaffan

Dunia memang penipuan, ada penipuan yang dapat kita jangkakan, ada pula penipuan yang tidak dijangkakan. Berita yang disiarkan oleh five tv UK semalam, menarik saya untuk mencoretkan sedikit nasihat kepada pembaca berkenaan penipua…


Out on a limb: Arm-swinging riddle is answered

Swinging one's arms comes at a cost. We need muscles to do it, and we need to provide energy in the form of food for those muscles. So what's the advantage?

Little or none, some experts have said, contending that arm-swinging, like our appendix, is an evolutionary relic from when we used to …

im in chicago :)

aku dah sampai CHICAGO?!
cam tak pecaya..

our flight was waaaaaaaay early. we took off from home at 5 something am. lots of my family came but there was a tiny winy bit that couldn't make it. u'll be missed. after entering the international departure ( with a lil tears rolling down:P)…

aku hidup secara nomad? haha..

Ayah, mama, aku n anip are going to the states this saturday! insyaAllah..
ayah bertugas sebagai director of Malaysian Student Department di Chicago dan kawasan2 yg sewaktu dgnnya utk 2 tahun. under ayah ada 3 org attaches yg akan pegi bersama. me? hopefully akan apply for and art college.terpaksa …
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