
a personal blog

im in chicago :)

aku dah sampai CHICAGO?!
cam tak pecaya..

our flight was waaaaaaaay early. we took off from home at 5 something am. lots of my family came but there was a tiny winy bit that couldn't make it. u'll be missed. after entering the international departure ( with a lil tears rolling down:P), abg mail n alang (my cousins) escorted us (coz they work there). when we were checking in, i turned around n said "Aik..along mane?" i forgot that he wasn't coming with us :(

while searching for the lounge suite (for FREE breakfast), i walked pass SHAH RUKH KHAN! haha :D for not goin crazy(yet). he looked  and smiled ..aww..(love is in the air...:P) he was with both his hunky bodyguards as well as some strangers accompanying him. he wore a nice pair of black shades, t-shirt, jacket n jeans. he's average. wasn't really tall. about along's height.

so anyway, in the lounge suite, we had breakfast. we had to rush because the intercome was already calling for flight to LA (with MH, Malaysia Airlines). we had a hour of transit in Taipei Airport, Taiwan after 18 hours floating in the air. from there, thare was another 5 hours of transit in LA. we were entertained by uncle Azmi (MSD (Malaysian Student Department) attache in LA) and family. then, 6 hours jounery to Chicago Airport with the AA (America Airlines).

as we arrived, Ustaz Wan (MSD attache of Chicago) picked us up. it was so surreal when he said "kita ada dua buah kereta jabatan dan sebuah kereta sewa tgh tunggu kat luar..". Waah..aku dah sampai chicago?!

when we arrived, it was already midnight (almost)..we checked in the hotel with the help of ustaz (they had it all organised for us) and here we are. yesterday, at 11 am, we went out and walked to the nearby mall, Bloomingdales. at 12, we were picked up and went to Ustaz's. we met other malaysians there. they were friendly..of course. why wouldn't they be? after that, we went for a bit of shopping in Walmart and Assi (asian shop) to buy groceries for these 2 weeks in the hotel while searching for a new house.

aaa...syukurnya...smalat dah sampai pe sume. mama bawak makanan, mila, brahim, n mcm2 la. lepas plak kastam. heheh doa rocks! :)

yesterday was a day of jet lag too. what's this horrible thing called jet lag that makes me want to end my life? it's when something interrupts with your body system that u feel like wanna have a nap no matter WHERE and WHEN..and yes, that include when u go shopping. put me in the scariest roller coaster ride, i'd be sleeping half way through..have a massive birthday cake in front of me, my face would have it.

i've not contacted anyone YET. kaklong tried to video call me. but my mobile was off. its like. RM6/min and RM 2/sms. haha. anak raja mampu la kot.

k la. gotta chiao. anyway, people here talk funny. or maybe it's me. im used to british accent :(


  1. ARGHHHH Abg tgh tido time nasha msg. Sampai2 kat KLIA baru perasan anda da berlepas. D: So end up makan kat Burger King dan pulang dengan sebak di hati. Isk.

    So rajin2 la updet blog. Nak call, memang tak mampu lagi. Kalau nak contact pon, ready internet connection ngan mic. Kita bole berborak pakai YM atau Ventrillo. Hahahaha!


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