
a personal blog

aku hidup secara nomad? haha..

Ayah, mama, aku n anip are going to the states this saturday! insyaAllah..
ayah bertugas sebagai director of Malaysian Student Department di Chicago dan kawasan2 yg sewaktu dgnnya utk 2 tahun. under ayah ada 3 org attaches yg akan pegi bersama. me? hopefully akan apply for and art college.terpaksa tolak UIA :((( anip, hopefully dpt carikan islamic school. it's gona cost:( tuhan bantulah kami..

that's all the time i got for. gotta chiao. the packers are coming over in 2 hours..barnag2 masuk dlm kontena, ready for shipping. 1-3 bln, sampai la barang2. xbyk pon..buku, baju, mkanan.
sian blog aku ni terbengkalai...c u later aligator.


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