
a personal blog

ape nak cakap, yer?
oh yeah..lately, i've been soooo busy. tu tak termasuk buat hwk ngan cwk. aduhh...they aren't finisehd yet. cuti habih ahad ni. hari ni dah jumaat. T_T sad.
BADMINTON tidak ade! Ya Allah~ T_T double sad. nampak gayanya, terpaksa la aku lepak kat library. do extra work kat ctu. great~ takper...niat aku nak tolong mama.
mengantok plak ehh pegi library smalam. ngantok n lapo...huhu. hari ni aku pegi awal sket. kol 9:30am kat ctu sampai kol 4:00p.m. rajin tak? yeahh..i know.
*sigh. malas plak nak update. *sorry bloggie* i'm soo tired, lesu and agitated lah lets put it that way.
hurmm. oke. nak siap dah.


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