
a personal blog

tlg maa

Ya Allah....

Hiee bengangnyerr! Aku tak sangka benda ni bley bawak banyak sgt headache! in fact, heartache! hieee...geraaam! i just did the work mama had set me to do and i've done it. BUT i cud've done more!

Tensionnyer....Aku taau ape nak buat and cammane nak buat pe sumer. it's just that to get there, it's not so simple. FUL OF ANYYONG LITTLE THINGS. Just imagine, on one picture, i ahve to make a copy of 3 from different sizes for my account. tu baru satu. aku ade berpuluh2 gamba! nak resize plak bukan senang. one of the sizes requires sekecik kecik semut whilst the other sebesa besa gajah and another, kene EXACTLY the right size to fit in the border. dah tu plak nak kene beware of the DODGINESS. over stretched tak bleyh...pecah pixel pon tak bleyh. TU BARU SATU!

lepas tu nak kene amek n edit code for every each one. pastu nak kene letak kat the right script. and plus! aku nak kene translate everything in Malay. and!! lusa dah nak kene masok topik lain plak. ANYAMAN or whateva crap it is. setiap contoh nak kene buat sendiri. either buat kat photoshop or tangkap gamba showing "pattern" or "corak". aduh! pastu nak kene upload lagii, thenn back to getting the right sizes...grrrrr! *sighh...

so, before i think well ahead, i stopped. stopped before i kill myself.

however tough, i'm glad that mama kasi keje ni sumer kat aku. i cudn't bear having mama doing it all alone without me knowing how HOPELESS and FRUSTRATING this is. sumpah aku bleyh jadi gila kalo buat ni. kalo ade error sket, the laptop gets it. hoh...that's why i stopped. otherwise i cud've done just that. i don't trust myself. one minute i'm all sweet cheerful and gedik but before you know it, i'm at my ugliest. like now! i'm a bit afta a night of sleep, breakfast in the morning, doing chores and played in the park with friends....

hoh! kat rumah plak takde quiet langsong. aku igt nak mintak mama anta aku kat Library U la esok....ketenangan sambil kerja...okie.

nak jalan kaki pegi U jap ehh...temankan along nak main badminton ngan abe shah, famme n imran. aku kene carry laptop mama skalik. smabil2 boring2 bleyh aku get on with the work. and plus, lps ni aku rase aku stay kat office mama kot nak buat keje. bagus ekk. :)

hieee.nasha2, keje orang rajin plak kamu buat...hwk/cwk, tak buat2 lagi....heheeeee...:D


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