
a personal blog


After a day of hard work which is just like any other day that she goes through, i got her to listen to this song that i specially dedicate to. the other day, i received a mssg from was a poem she made and here it is!

Dear Daughter,

'You are my only daughter and this is true,
I want you to know how much I love you.
I haven’t been there like I should have been,
but this is now and that was then.
I am glad that you do not hold a grudge against me,
because I haven’t been the mother I should be.
I was young and had a lot of things to learn,
about how to be a mother to a daughter that was my own.
As I got older and really started to mature,
I realize you are someone in my life I adore.
I might not say it but I am proud of you,
because of all the positive things you do.
Remember this over and over again,
I will always be here for you until the end..'

Mum <3


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