
a personal blog

mcr trip


:) waa..pagi tadi, kol 10, ayah anta ke train station. next train ke manchester kol 10.55. so, afta saying gudbye to ayah, ayah went and i stayed there by myself.

tetiba munirah call. she said she cant make it to fetch me at the train station. i didn't mind. i knew i had a back up. hehe. najibbb! nway, whilst waiting, i read this book called "It's O.K. I'm wearing really big knickers". lol. ntah pape aku. but that book is seriously funny~ promise you.

pastu, kol 10.40 camtue, ayah datang bawak makanan. terkezot aku. dah la beg berat giler. penoh dgn barang2 like baju, towel n stuff. pastu, ayah plak beli barangan makan banyak giler. hoh! satu pack of this oaty stuff, 2 bottles of iced cafe choco (which i've given to munirah and the other is still in the process of finishing off), and one big carton containing fruits (which i only ate just a few. the rest, kasik kat hammster). mama plak tapau kan lots of kuih bakar she made and a few sepucuk/seranting/seuntai raining of grapes. seriously, aku tatau mane satu.

so, yeahhh...kol 10.55 am, train pegi ke notts. then ke manchester picadily. the journey was smooth, alhamdulillah. :)

kol 1.40 p.m, najib, aiman n amierul sumer ade kat situ. :) they're all my new mates. sumer cute2, baik2, klaka2. :)

then, sarah, rena n sufea pon ade. they're nice. and soo cool too :). kitorang terus nk pegi balik rumah munirah. time nk tunggu bas plak, hujannnnnn....quite lebat n gosh, i was soaking wet! cam nak demam pon ade.

sampai rumah munirah, kitorang lepak, smayang kejap. kol 3 lebih, kluar gi town balik...just only me, sarah an dsufea. sian rena. dia demam. so, she stayed n before we knew it, she was asleep.

kat town, kitorang sempat p primark H n M and bla3. pastu, kol 6 plak, sufea kene balik ke liverpool balik. bdway, sarah n i bought umbrellas. :D precaution is always important as i dont wanna get soaking wet again. kitorang, then, met the boys. najib, khai and fudail(hammmsterr!). sempat gak kitorang pegi new look. then, paksa hamster pose dgn handbag, scarf and stuff. he's sporting. memula the girls dared the boys to wear heels. but then, kaki memasing beso2. size mx kat new look 8. kaki diorang sampai size 9 pe sumer. so, cancel2. oh yeahh...tujuan asal sbenanye, sufea nk carik heels to wear for the exam da tomorrow.

kol 6.15pm, faiz dari bristol datang. abg hanie. :). he's nice too. and cool :).

so, kitorang jalan2 pe sumer. sempat singgah ke Janam (kedai halal muslim)...makan jap onion rings n fries. sadly, sufea dah balik dah time tu. naik bas.

then, kitorang jln menuju ke train station plak. nk jempot kak aisyah n aqilah. :).

kol 9 pm lebih, kitorang walked and anta kak aisyah n qilah pegi rumah sorang undergrad ni. coz they're sleeping over at theirs.

cam kol 10 pm lebih, baru sampai rumah najib. alhamdulillah ayah dia tak marah or anything. :) i love them. i love nabil! adek najib. he's so sweet *looks at his pasport pict next to the pc*...

pastu, lepas smayang jamak pe suma, kitorang lepak kejap...discussed about soalan karangan esok. *sigh...KARANGANN!!! it's either surat rasmi or tak rasmi. shud be easy...but then again, you know.

kehkeh..kitorang plan nk masak maggie...maggie "masin" najib. akaka. and lauk kambing khai. lol. aku plak kene basoh udang...:P akaka...ntah pape. but, sampai2 rumah, semua mcm flat jer. tak larat daahh...bukan tak lapa. bleyh tahan lapa, in fact. tapi, too tired to even eat. oh well. today i've been good. jalan THE WHOLE DAY, bakar calories and makan pon tak bape luak...sbb. dunno why. just kenyang.

gosh, i usually go in details but i'm too tired. skang dah kol 1.04 am. kol 2.32 am kang masok subuh. mite as well just stay up. oh yer! tadik amierul rang. ntah pape dia. baru je hang out.

hoh...i hung up with absolute strangers. and they're all boys. you see, ayah kenal uncle said who is the father of najib. so, ayah suruh aku tido rumah uncle said for the exam tomorrow. :)...without knowing that there are few other boys who also plan to stay at his. so, he was like, whatever....memula cam janggal gak. but after all that walk, i'm kinda used to them. and i dont mind. n plus, mak najib sangat baik :) and so is uncle. there are 3 boys tadi kat rumah najib, khai n fuail dari South Hampton and faiz dari Bristol. aku, dari LB :)

skang ni derang sumer dah tido kot. aku ditempatkan ke dlm bilik with free acess of internet (lol...halal ehh najib! :D) ad katil yg sangat cantik lagi comfortable. diorang, tatau laa.

so yeahh...i better sleep of something. my typing makes noise and it may distract them. nitey nite to me and good luck!


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