
a personal blog

first day of work

I started my work at 10 am yesterday (Friday) and finished at 4 in the evening. Three kids, Aqil 7, Nabil 5, Arip 3 dan Hajidah 1. wuaaa...penat giler. But believe it or not, this is NOTHING compare to taking care of Batrisyia. OMG. You see, maybe it's because jage diorang, 6/7 jam je. Batrisyia, 24/7! And yes, that includes waking up at 3 in the morning, changing her stinky diapers, bancuhkan susu, buai/dukung dia sammmmpai dia tertidur balik, just to do it all over again 2 hours later. Huhu. That really had tested me. For once I was against babies (but also funnily enough made my love for batrisyia like impossible to describe).
But still. Seven hours of 3 toddlers(BOYS. I repeat myself, they are BOYS) and a baby (A BABY. I repeat myself, it's A BABY. But hey, at least it's a girl. Ah, who am I kidding. Babies are all the same). Semua2 nak makan kene suap, nak poo2, semua2 kene diteman dan ditolongkan, let alone other things.

Aqil dan nabil tu pegi kelas kafa. So, diorang familiar la dengan aku sebab aku yg aja diorang. Haha kesiann...all week days aku jaga diorang. Tambahan, hari sabtu jumpa muka aku lagi. Kehkeh. Boring betul...

I love them ;D
Memacam nama panggilan diorag bagi aku. Aqil panggil aku 'teacher', Nabil panggil aku 'anty', Arip panggil 'kakak' (WHICH IS the most sensible one for me to be called, as WE ALL agree, ritee??!?! ;D) and yang baby tu panggil aku 'mama'. Aduhh Ateeqa...ape la nasib. I LOVE IT!:D

Aqil tu bagus...ringan tulang, baik, innocent, bother-ly. macam along kot.

Nabil tu naughty sket. Tpical second-child-like la. Like me…mengade2 sket. Haha. He said something quite rude. Not to me or anyone but just randomly and he knew what he was saying. So I told him not to say it again but he did it anyway. So, aku pegang badan dia, pandang mata dia dalam2 and cakap dekat2, "Jangan cakap macam tu lagi". Pastu terus budak tu nangis. Hehe. well, don't blame me...I did exactly what I had to do. I know, ok. I watch Supernanny. Haha. Now, I find it very useful :P.

Anyway, lepas dia nangis, dia terus lari masok bilik mane ntah. Aku plak blah ke dapur, kitorang nak buat toast same2. toast with butter and sugar, later on then, aqil tambah choc milkshake powder. Haha. bijak, bijakkk. 5 mins later, I got Nabil and told him to apologise. But he didn't respond. Important drill; get your eye level the same as the child's, hold him tight, stare in deeply in his eyes and just tell the child once what you want them to do. If he looks down, let him and if he says no or doesn't say anything, keep ignoring him.

The cheek of him! Stubborn! Macammm aku :D.

Pastu pegi balik ke dapur and layan Aqil and Arip. Baby tidur time tu. Sepah giler. Gula, bread crumbs, milkshake powder...huhu.

5 mins later, Nabil came in running, sambil tersengih sengih. So, I went to him, did the drill and suruh dia cakap 'I'm sorry KAKAK. Nabil takkan buat lagi. I promise'. And he said exactly that. Pastu aku demand for a hug and he gave me one. SUCCESS! It worked! My handling kids skill worked! How impressive :P haha. blahh...

However though, an hour later, he came to me saying Kakak, 'I promise' tu ape?. Ohh Nabil...

Si arip plak, he loves attention. Terlanggar sket, or anything AT ALL, mesti dia merajuk sakit and tunjuk mane tempat dia sakit, suruh aku tengok and kasi kiss. He's also the one that goes to the toilet every ten minutes to exaggerate which brings up the case why Aqil, on the other hand, never goes to the toilet.That's worrying la plak.

Baby orait je dengan aku. She loves to wander. So, pintu2 bilik semua kene tutup la. She also loves to be pampered and played with. Alhamdulillah tak banyak kerenah.

Time makan, lauknye ikan goring and some sup sayur. Hoho..sayurr..i purposely took loads of sayur just to see what their reaction was. Muahaha. I can't wait to force them to swallow down those vegs into their tiny little throats. Ngiehehe. What a witch.

But, GOOD GRACIOUS!, what has happened to the world? They were practically fighting for the sayur!!! I SWEAR I nearly pengsan bila diorang cakap 'kita nak benda hijau(referring to broccolis) tu', 'boleh tak kita rasa ni sikit (tunjuk kat carrot pastu amek and ratah)', 'kita makan ehh bawang nih?'. There was also halia sebijik yang aku ketepikan and one by one of them said 'kita nak makan ni boleh?'. I have never been so amazed in my life. I was so looking forward to seeing those desperate faces that NORMAL kids make when they are forced to eat their greens. For god's sake, they didn't even notice the ikan goreng there!

It was fun...kitorang pegi back garden main bola, tgk teletubbies, I read them a story book, we jumped and bounced about, main piano, had our tea time together, aku buat air teh(untuk Aqil) and Nescafe dengan diorang, buat castle out of video tape's covers...all good until the last 5 mins.

Omg, time tu laa baby poopoo. so aku baringkan baby kat katil, Aqil and Nabil wanted to help while arip plak, time tu jugak laa dia nak peepee. Grrr. So, I left her with her brothers and took arip to the toilet. Tunggu dia nk pee pnye la lame. Pastu nak poo2 plak. Aku pandangg je dia. Lol, abeh nk pandang mane?!?? Then, daaa complain tak keluar la plak, heshh. So, bawak ke bath tub nk basuh butttt, time tu jugak ler dia terlepas, seketul Wuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Ugh. Very disturbing. Oke2, happy thoughts, HAPPY THOUGHTS. I don’t know why I'm telling you guys. Sorry.

THEN, turn baby la plak. Kecoh sumerorang time tu! Aqil kasi banyak giler tissue basah, Nabil tgh tutup hidung dia dgn clean pampers baby tu, Arip plak tgh censored. Aku dah suruh dia pakai sluar dia but at the moment he used his shorts to cover his nose with. Semua mcm, eeeeeeeeeiiiii, yuuckkkkkk, busukkkknyee, nak termuntahhh la kakak/anty/teacher. Oh dear.

Pastu tetiba ade orang muncul. Kus semangat. Igtkan sape la yg standing, looking at us kat pintu tu. Ayah diorang rupanya. Abg Aede (edy). Hoh. Gelabah time tuh. I wonder what he was thinking. Dia dtg pon time kitorang kecoh. Alahai. he missed the bit what I acted so professionally as a nanny.

So he paid me and already mama was outside, waiting in the car for me.
Penat sungguh. The time flew so slowly I felt. Balik rumah, tak lalu nak makan apa2 from the you-know-what thing.

:D so that'show my first day of work went like. I wonder what Monday's gonna be like. It's gonna be a looooong summer hols for me, that's for sure.

piss: before i know it, it's now all over


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