
a personal blog

NIU udergrad student?

Assalamualaikum mes cheries..

i got a place in Northern Illinois University(NIU). alhamdulillah. i had an interview with deborah piers the director of international student addmission NIU. dealing with malaysian students is a norm for her which means, she's very familiar SPM result slips. having to see mine *ugh embarassing*, certificates, portfolio, reports and everything, altogether i kinda make up a strong candidate for NIU. she accepted me straight away and gave me the option to start the spring classes that begin in January. 4 months away..that's not too bad. i could be well prepared by then, insyaAllah.

the earliest possible to start classes is in fall. 24 August 2009, this monday. OBVIOUSY that's out of question bcos that's like 4 days away. minus friday, coz i'm supposed to have an interview with my advisor, that is, to travel back again to NIU and that i promise, would take the whole day. minus sunday too coz that's the day i'll be moving in the hostel. so, im left with 2 days, thrusday and saturday to shop for stuff and get ready!

i dont know what in the world's name did something strike mama n said, "heyy why not. lets start classes this monday". my mouth dropped big time! so before deciding anything, i had a one to one talk with mama n ayah and in the end, being a good daughter as i've always been :P (amin), it's my obligation to oblige. the reason being is because, anything could happened by january..syukur that Allah made it easy to get a placement in NIU, to get the in-state-fee (which is cheaper) and why should i wait?

Deb was'd be best if i start in spring bcos i know now it's kinda rushing what with the moving in and everything. i mean, i don't wanna lose you but it depends when you wanna start.

so, monday it is!

as we aaaaall know, from my place to NIU, it's like the journey from KL to Tapah. unfortunately, not like what mama had in mind, i could just take the commuter back n forth because obviously
mama wouldn't wanna be apart from me hehe neither do i ( heish, grow up, ateeqa!). but, i have to do, what i have to do. so we've booked the hostel where i'll be living in and everything was pretty much done.

at 5 pm, uncle rahman drove us to mcik fatimah's house. a PhD student in NIU who lives nearby. we prayed and got served with bubur durian cicah with roti. while watching tv as we were about to leave, suddenly, an emergency transmission popped up warning us to stay inside because a TORNADO was about to happen in this area at 6.42 pm. so everyone should stay put and not leave their house. the best thing was to stay in the basement. so we stayed over for another half an hour.

that night, after returning to the hotel, the were lots of breaking news. good thing we didn't encounter any horrible tornados..but the skies were gloomy. it hitted indiana the worst. nau'zubillahi minzalik.

and that night also, everyone's kinda having a second thought as to when should start my classes. everyone was not, mes parents decided that i should start in spring. yey! :)

other than that. everything was good. kot! btw, there's only like 3 malaysian students in NIU. pity huh..


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