
a personal blog

Oakton Community College

Assalamualaikum world!

1st day of ramadhan mcm mana? mine was em...mcm hari2 biasa. hehe. 1st ramadhan, pegi Oakton College( sbb ada appoinment. that was the day after register kat NIU. saje tanye nk tanye international advisor diorang tentang statusku. whether dapat ke tak resident's fee or in-sate-fee. otherwise, kena bayar international fee which would double in cost. ayayai. aku sebagai pemegang passport A2, menurut dia, tak boleh amek credit classes kat mana2 institut kat us. gila kah? that's ridiculous. jd, kami pulang dgn hampa sbb bila first time jejak kaki kat Oakton College, aku jatuh cinta BIG TIME dgnnya. sob sob. it took my breath away. sculptures, paints and art work everywhere. and it's soo modern. mcm kat uni jugak. only better! but then, who needs sculptures to study, aite? what with the ambiance surrounding me, i can work with that. insyaAllah :)

blk rumah, check email, tiba2 Deborah ckp klo nk In-State-Fee, kene apply for it. even if we got it, the fee would be the same mcm masuk college tapi, plus plus accomadation, jd almost double plak. tak mampu la. soO, tak jd lah pegi NIU. jd dua2 mcm bermasalah. ape patut aku buat sekarang?

mlm tu dpt emel drpd advisor Oakton..dia ckp sori, silap info. haha. alhamdulillah. rupa2nya, sepanjang dia bertugas, dia tak penah deal dgn A2 passport holder sblm ni jd dia pon kurang fasih. menurut dia, A2 passport holder boleh amek credit classes kat mana2 but as an international student n that fee lah. it was still oke sebab international fee kat college murah byk drpd uni. paham dakk?so, ayah cancel registration niu (hehe..aku dah dpt student niu no ID dh pon).'s all rather annoying. byk application form nk kena isi. on top of all, i thank ayah. nampak sgt pengorbanan dia. ya rabbi, serious fenin..nk pikir psl financial, future, how to get there, medical check up, course and what not. all this kinda gave me a reality check. dah la ayh byk keja. kesian ayah. i just wna get this all over n done with. i bet he does too. slagi tak setel slagi tu tak lena tido mlm. his mind is working contantly..24/7. hm..i really appreciate my ayah.


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