
a personal blog



harini aku chat dgn Shah Irani, kawan persian aku dari kelas 3D n Multimedia. aku heran kenapa prof kitorang tak bagitau lagi final grade utk kelas tu. bila tnye dia, dia dah dpat dah..he god a C which he is proud of. OF COURSE. i used to say multimedia ni lagi payah dari add math tau tak?! seriously..

last week, when i just arrived home from holiday in Florida, i got a mail. christmas n new year card from my beloved prof Mr Becker..dia ckp keep up the good work. i thought he was gona reveal our grades but tak jugak. haihh. check online pon tak de pape lagi dlm account.

so, bile chat dgn shah tadi, dia ckp, go online..that's where he got his grade from. dgn penuh debar, aku check...and alhamdulillah aku dapat A :) tak sangka noh. teruk2 aku ponn cegu bagi A. syukuur :) Allah helped me!

overall GPA utk my first ever sem? hee..4.0 :D bertambah2 nikmat tuhan bagi kat aku. Alhamdulillaah. syukur2. kene buat sujud syukur ni. syukur aku terterungkap dgn kata2. alhamdulillah baru lah aku semangat nak menghadapi 2010! :D next sem aku kene buat lebih!

bile pikir balik, alahdmulillah Allah kuatkan semangat aku. kelas speech for example, paling aku tak dpt lupakan, on the last day of speech class. also, it was the most crucial time. you had to attend and give your best! 400 final marks depended on it. and time tu plak, semangat aku dirobek seterusnya hilang because somethingg profound happened. that particular unfortunate morning yg forced me to step back. if it hadnt been for this one voice, i swear i would've for real broken down in front of my prof n asked for delay to scratch and make up a whole new speech which was impossible. i was remorsely discouraged. but calling it off was not an option. i was silent for a few days...traumatised by the incident.

remember the last speech i mentioned..i thought i could berdakwah and all...u know how much passion n exciment i had for that. the voice that pulled me through simply mama's words which were "..nak buat baik ni kadang2 banyak ujian..sabarlah sayang.."

...for that, now im stronger. Thank you Allah. bile cite blk, rasa mcm drama queen je aku nih. haha. but honestly people. it was tragic.

now, 2010 has arrived. last night at 10.30, 14 of ur malaysian students from chicago n wisconsin took the train to go downtown for the fireworks. saje gatal nk experient. it was bloody cold. i've never been that cold in my whole entire life.

Allah, please make this year a better year for me to serve You. please make me a wiser, better and improved muslimah, daughter, sister, and student. Jadikanlah aku hambaMu yang sentiasa bersyukur kepadaMu.


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