
a personal blog

Are you feeling nostalgic right now?


1. If you were to kill a man, horror movie style, which kitchen utensil would you use?
should i use SPOON to spoon his eyes out or a spatula to whip their ass?? i dont think so man...of course la guna knife yg besag lagi tajam!

2. Did you ever swallow a coin? thinking back, i wish :P

3. What was the worst gift you've ever received?
baby pnye botol susu! eee...ahah.

4. What is your most embarrassing childhood memory?
ohh aDE laah.

5. How many kids do you want?

6. Whats your moms middle name?
Binti :D

7. Have you ever operated a fire extinguisher?
tak...and i dont wish to anyway.

8. Worst car you ever had to drive and why?
It has to be kete sorong 

9. who do you hate?

10. what do you hope to have accomplished by the end of this year? my fourth sem?
amin, inshaAllah..

11. do you have any reallllly crazy relatives?
em, yeahh..that what makes em special!

12. Did you ever wake up under the influence of NyQuil, completely unable to move?

13. Are you feeling nostalgic right now?
tak pon

14. Did you own a Lite-Brite?
indeed. i do. or, i used to. i wonder whether i still have it..hmm

15. Can you dive? yeahhh...frees style! :D

16. Do you own a mouthpiece for anything?

18. Have you ever used a pogo stick?
yeaaaaaaaaaaaahh beli kat uk!...until anip gave it away to apek mane tah yg mintak besi buruk for a few pennies. omg! imma kill anip all over again. NOW i'm really feeling nostalgic!

19. Who was the most creative bum you've ever met, trying to get some money from you?
sales people and along.

20. Whats your favorite Jelly Belly jelly bean flavor?
tak penah try plak..

21. favorite food you CRAVEEE?
ABC ngan joe cendoi T_T...

22. When was the last time you pulled lint out of your bellybutton?
tak penah ye..tlg jgn tanye.

23. Did you ever use someone else's toothbrush?
err....i might have lol. same kaler daa..

24. Do you REALLY floss everyday?'s too short to be flossing everyday!

25. what is your favorite cologne/perfume you always wear?
elizabeth arden - sunflower, burberry - the beat. tapi, buat koleksi je.

26. If you were on Double Dare, would you take the physical challenge?
yeh bring it on...

27. What's the largest living organism that you killed?
hmm..almost killed some babies. i wanted to squeeze and squash their cute tiny winy bodies! who could blame me?? :D killed some GIANT cicaks a few times...dulu2

28. Did you ever take a lighting bug and smear its guts on your arm so you get a cool glowing effect like war paint?
ah..i might do that one of these days :D :P

29. What's the best toy you've ever gotten in a McDonalds happy meal?
 oh...god knows. every time i got them, each one seemed like the best toy ever. good times.

30. if you could be anywhere in the world doing anything right now what would it be?
bungee jumping. sky dive..

 31. Can you juggle? obviously!
 2 things only at a time please...

32. how do you feel right now?
restless. i need to study.

33. Do you remember that square candy bar called "Chunky"?
yaah..who cuold forget that :)

34. Predict the length of the next Peter Jackson movie.

35. What was your favorite toy as a kid?
baby doll :P

36. are you willing to go the distance?
inshaAllah. wait what do you mean by that?

37. Did you answer question 17?
bebuat tanye bleh!


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