
a personal blog

saye berlari dan berlari dan berlari....

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
 السلام عليكم

"When you know what you want and you want it badly enough; you'll find a way to get it." Jim Rohn 

Don’t say "God I have a big problem"; say “Problem, I have a BIG God"

"To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If don’t, pretend you are." Muhammad Ali 

itu dia mukadimah kite.

last night, my family and i went to the gym at 8. mama and ayah were supposedly testing for their fitness test with  the fitness trainer, Collin. so, off i went minding my own business. along and anip went for rock climbing while i went on the cycling machine just for warming up. i then got bored so, i hopped on the treadmill.

i walked first for a good mile and then started running/jogging for a what seemed like an eternal run of 20 minutes. i timed myself but it was a killer. yeah, it has been a while since i did any exercise. then last time i ran was the time i was on training for soccer for midwest game-i. a month ago. 

and seemed like forever waiting for the time to pass by. so, i felt tortured. i could've stopped whenever i wanted but then, a day or two after that it would haunt me that i'd failed. the gym had like 20 televisions  all around with different channels and i found myself getting instantly more and more exhausted as i tried to figure what on earth was the news talking about. i was quite distant from the tv, furthermore it was a pain to really concentrate. rubbing more salt to the wound. so, zikrullah was the answer. 

then as usual my mind was running wild, off the tangent thinking, this pain i'm enduring is immeasurably minute comparing to the azab in the neraka jahannam. why am i complaining? if i complain now...i wouldn't even have the guts, i'd have lost the will, i wouldn't even dare and my mouth be locked for all that matter, to merely say a word then. astarghfirullahal'adzim..

after the 20 mins were over, i set the mode 'walk' and it slowed down. a sudden rush of blood running through the veins in my face that it felt kebas, semut2 and berangin2. you must be thinking,dia mula daah merapu ateeqa nasha ni. i cant help it, i'm bad with words. it was a relief! but i didn't want to stop there. what i'm weakest at, that's what i have to do more of. i feel the least powerful and weak when i aim to do something but my body stops functioning and couldn't carry me the extra mile. i was thinking, come on, what am i, a 100?! i'm only 18 for god's sake. it's not my body, it's my mind the troubled one. 

so after meeting my target, i carried running and jogging for whole hour. we ended up going back home after 11pm last night. i miss jogging at Tasik Darulaman in Jitra.


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