السلام عليكم
oke..weekend yang lepas saye happy. rase mcm saye jatuh cinta dgn semuaorg semula. rindu kot barangkali. berbunga2 lagi hatiku bila umi bagitahu yg shakur rindu kat kak teeqa dia :) he's such a gentleman. tak pergi pon eid dinner sbb ada tetamu. but saye pergi ke volunteer walk di Chicago Botanic Garden. my day started at 7.30am. it was something. everyone could choose from many different beaded necklaces that indicated some meanings. white necklace for parents and siblings loss, gold for neighbor loss, green for a friend's friends loss, purple for personal struggle, red or so for partner loss...ramai dtg, alhamdulillah. beratus2. nk sampai seribu? maybe.
ade jugak wall of fame of those who have committed suicide. terdiri dari budak skolah rendah, ranging to as old as my grandpa too, maybe. fuh. and most of them, are men. satu/dua/tiga saja perempuan daripada 40/50 gambar. yes, everyone felt their loss. ade yang sedih, nangis...lepas the walk, ade sedikit gig dan free food.
after that event, straight away my family and i went to gurneed (an hour away) utk beraya kat rumah anty Sue. that was when i felt so much love for people i met...simply sbb rindu kot. dah lama tak bersosial? lul. seminggu sekali or less than that je jumpe :) it's special that way.
emm eh, dah nk habis weekend ni ye. i found a new hobby from my drawing class. stippling. i found myself being in 'the zone' when i'm at it. everthing else gets blocked out and i get soo into it. it's a form of meditation too. kan bagus kalau saye pon boleh buat begitu pabila beribadah. "solat itu berat melainkan bg orang kusyuk.." Allahuakbar..
mcm nyesal sikit pon ade masuk drawing kelas advance. the drawing 1 kelas learn so much more. i envy them. kami dlm satu studio student drawing 1 and 2. but separated. dan sedikit sebanyak dpt la jugak dengar lecture utk drawing 1 peeps. tapi takpe. there'll be a blessing in disguise. else, i could always do dwaring 1 after this. lol. a little odd going to basic class after going into an upper level. but how much knowledge input we get is what matter. lepas tu boleh sampaikan ilmu kat org lain...speaking of which, lepas balik beraya dr rumah anty Sue, kak chiaq (anak ustaz) ikut balik rumah for a sleepover. :) pasgi lepas subuh, lepas dah buat ape yg patut, dia ajak melukis :)
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