
a personal blog

1Mai, MSDC and Student of Midwest Region Raya Gathering 2010

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
 السلام عليكم

i anticipated to wake up this morning because i wanted to write in blog so badly. finished my assignment late at 1am plus2 and i had to appease myself to be patient and wait for this morning. after much of tossing myself about on bed because of the sudden insomnia strike (which i call as 'The Zombie Hours'), i succumbed to reading my philosophy book, hopeful that like always, books never fail to bore me to sleep. my dream of falling asleep shattered as to my surprise the chapters just kept getting interesting one after the other. well, that wont work.

put the book back down and forcibly close my eyes while bace2 sket ape yg patut. i didn't dare to check the time when i finally dah terlentok.

anyway, i had a good weekend, alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah~ kul 8.30, arif, faris n fahmi (3 bradek from fort wayne) with their friend, Muhammad, have safely arrived at my place after 3 and a half hours of journey. it was nice catching up stuff with old friends. i was expecting the vanderbilt bro and sis now...whom arrived at 3 am. alhamdulillah, selamat dah sampai. they're staying for a night for the big event on the 18 Sept , Jamuan Raya with 1MAI (1 Malaysia Association of Illinois) and MSDC (Malasyain Student Department of Chicago). subhanallah, terharu lah dgn malaysian student life kat sini. they would travel for 8-9 hours of driving for a one day malaysian event. imagine kalo niat perjalanan kerana Allah, mate yg penat bersengkang from driving untuk Allah, moga Allah selamatkan mate tu dari api neraka.

(khemah setup)

saye tatau nk kate bape ramai students datang for the event but last year there were 300+ of them. this year, takde VIPs yg datang wheres as last year duta malaysia dtg, dato' JJ. but frankly to me, these guests and students are the VVIPs of the event. org chicago bertungkus lumus nk prepare for this event. mama had to wake up at 4am utk masak nasi minyak a mountainous portion, helped by arif. ohhh segannye dgn tetamuu. saye tak sangka saye overslept T______T kalo tau mama bgn kul empat, tak tido dah kot lepas sambut tetamu tu. moreover, i slept last late preparing for my 'speech' aheemm. aduuuh. they 1MAI committee asked me to be the emcee of the event. you know how much i abhorre public speaking. takpe2. ikhlaskan diri. lets give back to the community....

(mama, anty sara and anty bayyah, silat gayong USA)

on the day, kalut yg amat laaah. pagi tu bagun, preapared breakfast for everyone (kuah kacang, nasi impit, kuih raya n air melo! :D) n started baking my bengkang jagung for the Tradisional Kuih Raya Contest for the event. i was asked to join by anty sue sbb tak cukup org. didn't win it though. hihi. there was only the first prize winner. anty Bayyah from wisconsin did...dapat duit raye $50 :) tahniah2.

(mcm biase, artis chicago, bro nasser. the pict with 1MAI commitee and president kelab Umno IL, bro Rapik, geng MSDC dan Uncle Sam)

you know what....saye sangat yg teramat TERKILAN mcm ni  (-*____________*-) sbb dalam kebizian event, with crowded people the beratur amek makanan, tiba saye nampak kak bismi (my precious sis form Mich) lambai tangan dia. there was a stream of people aparting me and her. dia terkapai2 lambai tangan dia and tunjuk bawah indicating tgk tgk bawah lah kot. so i did. subhanllah alhamdulillah, allahuakbar, rupa2nya my pumkin tiny winy baby girl balqis was already hugging my two legs. saye dukung dia, cium dia and she quickly escaped me to go back to her mom. yg terkilannye, saye tak sempat ckp dan dengar suara dia ponn T____T and kak bismi! then, i lost them, after a while tried to jejak kasih back but they were nowhere to be seen. smalam flashback blk incident tu, rase rindu sungguh. i guess kak bismi and family balik bari kot same with a few other michigan families. 5 hours pergi dan 5 hours balik. by the way, the event started at 11 am (technically at 12 but we came early to setup) and finished at 3pm.

(gamba kanan ni memalukn skit. skit je..dorang ajak buat gaya bebas. tp ghupe2nye saye syok sendiri)

other than that, i met many of my friends :) tak sempat nk sembang panjang...dapat lah peluk dan wish eid mubarak n maaf zahir dan batin. makan pon tak sempat. dapatlah sepiring nasi minyak tu, seketul udang dan tomato. tak nampak kelibat kuih raya dan makanan2 lain pon sbb dah start packing away.

oh ye! one of the highlights, Silat Gayong USA team lead by Sheikh Shamsudin S.M. Salim aka Uncle Sam pronounced 'Sem' in malay. that was quite amazing. team silat dia terdiri drpd some americans, indian and other nationalities. interesting. there was this white lady presumably american, who started off from her friend who gave her the a little taste of silat and she liked the way it hurt and already now, she has been involved in Silat for 10 years. wow rite. i had a lil chat with uncle sam too and apparently he has been working with national geographic people to producing a documentary on silat and also has the only credited class of Silat in Dupage Community College in the entire USA. if only he was teaching in Oakton. huhu. and yes, he's the son of Tan Sri SM Salim :) he doesn't assemble the facade of the father though, married with a reverted Muslim american :)

(from left, bdk dekalb, nasrul (purdue), bro raja, anip, arif, faris dan fahmi (fort wayne, IN). right, gambar bersama bro n sis vanderbilt kat rumah)

i spoke to ila too :) sahabat lama, 12 tahun berkawan and counting. psst, my dear raihanah razali, ila kemsalam kat rai tau!

the rest of this week i'll be preoccupied with events..

  • OHO (Oakton Helping Others club) Meeting Mon, Sept 20
  • Renaissance Drawing submitted and CRITIQUE Tue, 21 Sept!!! (pray for me to do well!)
  • Honors Picnic Wed, 22 Sept 
  • Anthropology Exam Wed, 22 Sept
  • World Religions Reflection paper on Nine Lives Novel, Thur 23 Sept
  • MSA Eid Dinner Fri 24 Sept (aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh... which reminded me hanisah dtg mengaji on friday night n ketua setiausaha KPT, Dr Zulkelfi nk dtg for dinner. hmm cammane2)
  • Volunteering Botanical Garden Walk, Sat, Sep 25th.( This is a fund-raising event hosted by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to raise awareness about, well, suicide prevention among all age, racial, gender groups. We will be walking together.)

Allah please dont let the worldly world and ANYTHING deviate from my remembrance of You. oh Allah please let me be occupied with ANYTHING that only takes me closer to You. 
weekend ade open house lagi. kat gurnee pulak. sejam dari rumah..


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