
a personal blog

Phi Theta Kappa...bla bla bla

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
السلام عليكم

agh, nantuk dan lapar. tapi syukur aku hidup lagi..
smlm dapat surat dari Oakton offer jd member of Phi Theta Kappa.didn't know what it was before. never heard of it even..but now i do. alhamdulillah :) i can never thank You enough, Allah :') all goods come only from You, Allah...You're so kind, You're too kind. If this is Your plan for me, Allah, please guide me. You know best, Allah. Let it be a medium that will take me closer to You instead of driving me further away from You. Please help me getting the best of both worlds, Allah..Ya Razzaq, Ya Fatah, Ya Alim. Allahumma amin...

pagi tadi pnye la kalut. anip bgn lambat, tertinggal bus, pastu habis lari sume schedule. instead of kluar rumah ngan ayah kul 8.15, kene kluar kul 7.45 utk anta anip ke skolah. then aku. kesian ayah. sayang ayah. beza. bikin kalut aku bersiap berbekalkan oren 2 bijik dan sebotol air mineral. dah kluar rumah tertinggal stokin busukku plak dah. camne nk solat nnt. jd, patah balik masuk rumah. saye mmg lah pelupe.

lps blk dari kolej smlm, kul 4, makan pasta n kuih raye pastu dah buat keje. sblm tdo perut dah berkeroncong nyanyikan lagu jazz. so i looked forward to breakfast. :) nevertheless, pagi td takde rezeki...emm~ i miss my blueberry cereals already. dan kuih raya. oh lapar..on the way, aku makan sebijik oren sambil terlupa dah niat nk puasa harini. nyesal plak makan wlpn tak sengaja. dah la harini nk overtime balik kul 6ptg. patut takde lah cabaran nk makan sgt melawan nafsu. kalo blk awal kat rumah ade kuih raye, pose bukak lambat lagi, haa.....

sampai kolej awal, kelas kul 9.30. so, lepak dulu kat cafeteria..beli hot belgian chocolate cappucino (which tak habis lagi skarang and it's now 3.30pm) dan sandwich egg mayo (which tgl separuh lagi). sambil duduk, sambil bace notes. psl kitab Upanishads.

wasn't a good start of a day...pastu plak, i spilled my drink quite a lot all over arts studio's floor. and my top. takpe. steady je. lap2, selesai dah..havoc skejap pagi tu terase. but bile dah start melukis, aku rase tenaaaag~ alhamdulillah for the peace of mind.

assignments dah start piling up :)
oke, i'm all awake now. all fresh to reread my notes. tadi dah tersungguk membaca. next week exam, weekend ni i'm buziest. pray for my success in life and hereafter, please. jazakallah khair...


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