
a personal blog


بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
 السلام عليكم

On the authority of Abdullah bin Abbas, who said : One day I was behind the prophet and he said to me: "Young man, I shall teach you some words [of advice] : Be mindful of Allah, and Allah will protect you. Be mindful of Allah, and you will find Him in front of you. If you ask, ask of Allah; if you seek help, seek help of Allah. Know that if the Nation were to gather together to benefit you with anything, it would benefit you only with something that Allah had already prescribed for you, and that if they gather together to harm you with anything, they would harm you only with something Allah had already prescribed for you. The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried." 

 narrated by Termithi, who said it is true and fine hadith

In a version other than that of Tirmithi it reads: 

 "..Be mindful of Allah, you will find Him before you. Get to know Allah in prosperity and He will know you in adversity. Know that what has passed you by was not going to befall you; and that what has befallen you was not going to pass you by. And know that victory comes with patience, relief with affliction, and ease with hardship." 

alhamdulillah dah lebih seminggu tak berkepit dgn family dan masih surviving. big deal rite..
dah besar gajah dah ateeqa nasha ni. tapi menurut umi, kalo besar gajah takpa la dok sorang2..tapi ni dah besaq anak dara. bahaya dok sorang2. well, thats true. that's why, umi laah org yg plg risau saya dok sorang2. sbb tu lah saye byk menagih kasih sayang di rumah ustaz dan umi masa cuti2 thanks giving ni disamping anak2 mereka dan kwn2 purdue yg ramai bertandang.

syukur alhamdulillah jugak, atas ke-tidak-ada-perasaan-an mcm rindu yg melampau kat famili. or am i just being stoical? either way, both can be good and come from Allah. rindu tapi tak boleh lah layan sgt2 feeling tu. di teratak umi, senang hati umi kalau saya call mama ayah hari2 menggunakan vonage yg  free unlimited call tu. tapi sungguh, itu lagi buatkan rindu saye kat family membuak2 mcm larva volcano. tak best. kami dekat tapi jauh.

trying to serve the crazy purpose of 'no news is good news'. tapi kena lah call family jugak 2/3 kali seminggu utk senangkan hati mama ayah.

kelakar..saye call haritu, mama bunyi garang semacam. kecut perut saye. jd, sepatah mama ckp, sepatah lah saye jawab. mama tanyekan kenapa..saye ckp 'mcm garang je bunyi...ape terjadik harini. mcm angah call tak kena time je'. mama gelak..rupa2nya mama menjerit kat tefon sepanjang2 kami bercakap sbb igtkn saye tak dengar. oh mama..:)

dah -7oc disini tapi snow tak trurun lagi. alhamdulillah...kalau tak jenuh jugak saye nk shovle snow sorang2. kalo snow turun pon takpe. saye boleh lah exercis, apa2 atas kehendakNya lah. pasti itu yg terbaik!

most and foremost, saya rindukan companionship yg seaqidah, sekepala, yg sebersemangat.
cari lah ateeqa nasha. jgn stay idle. saye ridnukan Tuhan saye. i cannot afford to waste time anymore.


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