
a personal blog

'Inshallah - that means god willing right?'

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
 السلام عليكم

nur kasih is on the air and i absolutely ughhh it. dont get me spite of it's publication and messages it's trying to convey, i've nothing against. in general, anything lovey dovey would mess with your feelings. or maybe i'm just plain sensitive. wekk la ateeqa nasha! what's up to you?! lol. i don't mind friendship and family getting all warm and fuzzy tho. it just so happened that we've a mat drama in this family :) it creeps me. hmm.

mama and ayah have been out since early this morning till now, 7pm. mama came to my room and i asked what was up..she said kene jumpa student and it's Confidential. you can't even tell me? fine. i respect that...i really do. and i smiled. i'm happy like that and even happier that my heart accepts, with no any further question. mama and i are best friends..if i budge her up a bit, there would be a chance of peeping into the secret. curiosity kills. i mean, we're talking about an outside matter that's nothing to do with family business. Integrity :) for example, i could no longer  sengih2 anymore nowadays. not in front of mama anyway. she'd get soo suspicious and urge me vigorously to tell her what's up. she'd ask "ni mesti dah kene pinang...dah kene pinang ye..bagitahu cepat.." wow subhanallah. of course, nothing lah like that..far from that. is this what moms have in mind when their kids smile randomly?then i'd do it more often! wouldn't it just register to them that maybe i'm just happy..rezeki dan nikmat Allah melimpah2 kn (thanks for my parents oh Allah. Alhamdulillah.)..i reason that and whether she accepts it or not, it's up to mama. oh anyway, speaking of talking people out into telling secrets, ateeqa nasha doesn't do that anymore. nampaknye macam dia dah matang sikit :) yey...inshallah. moga kita semua jadi hamba2Nya yg lebih baik. anyway, if that of what she thinks really happened, forget sengih2, i would've jumped up and down dan lari satu kampung kot. haih..

yesterday....was wow. subhanallah lah. good news from old friend! :)
Harold...i'm proud of him. Allah's smiling down on him for sure!
by just saying 'Inshallah', he replied 'that means god willing right?'. oh he remembered. and from there, slowly we're catching up back on the pace that was once stopped...abruptly. which had left me clueless and just hopeful..

"Indeed, [O Muhammad], you do not guide whom you like, but Allaah guides whom He wills." [Quran 28: 56]

"And those who strive for Us - We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good." [Quran 29: 69]

moga Allah permudahkan urusanmu..


  1. Anonymous9:11 AM

    ateeqa nasha doesn't do that anymore. nampaknye macam dia dah matang sikit
    -yeah rite! dah kene pinang ek..haha


  2. hehehe...yeah, i know right. 'yeah rite' sgt2.
    >_< haih..
    mane ade kene pinang lagi..camni je.


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