
a personal blog

VDAY - Attacking The Silence

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
 السلام عليكم

legaa...syukur alhamdulillah legaa...
haha. hey, not that kind of 'lega' in case your mind is running wild!

lepas solat zuhur tadi, semangat ateeqa nasha dah kembali. macam biskut je smangat ni sbenarnye..
kejap ade kejap takde. biskut chipsmore, to be precise...

petang ni kul 6pm sepatutnye saye ade meeting ehem2 :) kat oakton campus des plaines. tapi di tundakan pulak ke hari khamis...jeng3 sbb snow.

meeting ape nih? kecoh betul ateeqa nasha..
psst..lemme whisper it into your ears. it's T.V.M. The Vagina Monologue.
What's that? yeah, to me it seems like completely a western thing..
an eloquent woman activist who is promoting, Eve Ensler goes international promoting her campaign 'Stop Violence Against Girls and Women'. She shows her solidarity through stage reading, through monologues and established Vday..
so who, what, how and why, Vday?

The truth is shocking. According to the United Nations, one of every three women on the planet will be physically or sexually abused in her lifetime. Although sources of violence may seem diverse, women's responses sound tragically similar. Besides the pain and strength you will hear in their survival stories, the themes that resound across cultures and geographies are of the indifference of authorities, the familial instinct of denial, and the lack of public outrage about the violence that millions of women experience every day.
V-Day was born of the belief that until these themes are addressed, these violations named and taken up by whole communities as an unacceptable desecration of human dignity, the violence will continue.

The Vagina Monologues is produced and directed by the Women’s and Gender Studies Program in cooperation with the Performing Arts Department.
 Lets make this event something for them think about!
All the best for the casts and crews of TVM 2011!
Performances will be on February 10, 11, & 12
contact me for more details...

....Prof Angela had recruited me to be part of the team. i've been there. so i'm in it to end it.
Inshallah i'm in it for a good cause, mencari keredhaanMu dalam setiap perkara, kalau ini yang terbaik bagiku dan agamaku, Engkau permudahkanlah ya Rabb. amin.


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