
a personal blog

International Flags Parade at NIU

بِسْــــــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِارَّحْمَنِ ارَّحِيم

See the flags behind there?  None of them was allowed to be seen on the ground as a sign of respect for each country. There was a gasp when one of them almost fell. 

With Pride - bendera Palestin masih berkibar!

Meet the Indonesian High School Leaders who are attending an intensive 2 week leadership program at NIU.

Volunteered to give talk about Malaysia to a bunch of 5th graders from many different high schools.

New Fullbright friend - Basori aka Bas

with a nw Cambodian friend Nith, 5th grader girl, flag and old friend Scott

Happy Birthday, Malaysia!
By the Huskies Stadium

Huskies Band

With sis Sara from Saudi


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