hiiee...pe cite ari nih? yg aku tau, esok aku exam....science paper 1 n 2...*Sigh..lomah jantong den dibueknyo....why exaaaaam??!...taper2...i dont really give a damn to be honest...i don take it seriously and kemudian hari, i'll regret for my deed.....this is so unlike you, nasha.....T_T
anyhow, check this website out http://myteam.com.my
dunno why am i even bothered about that...
sejok nyeeeeeer har niiih......oh ye bdway, today is bank holiday..it's called May Day..dunno why...pape je la kan...janji dapat cuti lg sehari....
ni cite kat harian metro...http://www.hmetro.com.my/Current_News/HM/Section/indexm_html?mysec=BeritaUtama
how extraordinaryis that?...that's what we call jodoh :D
esok aku cite pasal aku dan sats.......kalo ade mase ah...isk..tadik, dah 3 kali aku bace buku science...and ketige-tige kali tu jugak lah aku tertido!...wuaaaaaaaaa...nasha! pe nak jadik ngan ngko?!!!...
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