
a personal blog


you may have got bored of hearing me repeating this many many MANY times now, but i just have to say it again; I LOVE BURLIEGH!

yesterday i had a badminton match against Rawlins College (specialised for Art..i was planning to go there but then...jauh sgt >.<). In singles, the score was 21-6 to me! (^.^) alhamdulillah... at lunch Kelly told me that she cudn't make it for the match. so, at last minute, the person who was suppose to be our spectator (Georgina), volunteered to play for the match. Mr Ratcliffe (couch) whom at first SWORE when i mentioned about kelly's absence was like "Safeeeeeeee" she's in year 11, though! oh well. she doesn't join the badminton team nway. so, i guess it was fair.

i was finger-crossing, hoping that i won't be the first player in the girls' team. IT'S HARD! for sure you'll be competing with 'orang kuat' from opponent's team.

despite that, i was glad. alhmadulillah i won it. in doubles however, i had to pair ur with george n she played very well eventho she never turns up for the training. the score however, was quite close. it was 21-18. after that, we played another doubles match. we won them by 4 points. fuh. safe mate. i was soo happy. i went to Sir n spoke to him about the score n stuff for him to record n we talked for a bit. he said he's got high hopes for the girls' under 16. (^.^) i still remembered his for impression on me. heh. he gave me the "under-estimate" look. heck. ape-ape je lah.

n todaaaaaaay i realised that i've bruised myself from playing badminton yesterday. i really did give my best shot. i bruised wrist. jd hitam legam daa. nnt kene pkai wrist band aa. i thought i cud get away wit it tho. nway! tadi aku abeh skol kol 2.40. though, i returned home at 5. i had basketabll training with this outside couch paid by school to train us every friday. 3 jam! mak aaiii... i didn't know that. coz kalo tak, dah lame aku takkan show up. Friday's like the day when you just can't wait to go home and when you're just counting down the ticking clock waiting for the bell to go. simply coz the day after is weekend! with all ready planned activities like shopping n sleeping n watching tele n stuff.

nway, the training was just. it was done professionally. the 3 hours there, we were filled up with activities every second n no time-outs. no pain, no gain, eyt? n oh yeah! my glasses are a bit broken. hihi. i lost the part that supports the glasses n ur nose. there was a pair of them n now there is only one of them. *sigh. i need to buy contact lenses. i'd get the pink ones. uw uw! orr the green ones. they're funky...

emm..nway, back to the badminton thing, i met my Charnwood Youth Club coach. he's called Rowlands. he's really old. as the same age as my granpa...just maybe a bit younger. he was wonderking why i didn't show up to the training development at Uni anymore. coz that's where they filter the players to play for the county. i've represented LB twice already. time tu about 8 malaysian players represented LB and only two mat sallehs. hihi. we came fifth though. last year, only atiq, wani n i represented LB..others were the mat/minah sallehs. we came second. nway! he expects me to come this monday. 4.30~6.00pm at Uni. i'll go if i'm not busy., this week, i've bruised my wrist (again), i've broken my glasses. way to go nasha~ what's next gonna be?just only 2 weeks ago i bruised my knee, my wrist, n terpele'ot my finger. I'M SO DOING MORE SPORTS. (^.^). hihi...luving the injuries so much. :P not really. :D

oh yeah! choir! i have it every friday's lunch. currently we're singing 'Bring Him Home' song...very the acoustic la wa tell sama lu. best~ we're gonna perform it in the school concert before the xmas.

enough said!

lets talk about raya. bessst je. aku dapat £2 tahun ni! from ustazah yati n from paYat. merci beaucoup! terima kasih yerr daun keladi...lain kali kasi lagi. (^.^). n emmm yeah! i've got my own back! skang aku dah bleyh usik abg najib! HOHOHO...slame nih kak niza n abg najib (man n it's true) slaaaaaaaaaaaalu sgt usik aku. saying aritue derang nampak aku jln nak budak laki kat train station. erkk..sbenanye time tu peaty (rachel), super steel (lol..alice) n I had a girls' day out. we went shopping in leicester. pegi sane naik train. hieee...slamber je kate aku pegi dating. they must have been mistaken. but dat's not THE FIRST TIME THEM SAYING THAT. slalu sgt derang jumpe aku kat town n saw we walking with a guy by my side. YEA RITE! hehe...yeah. i get teased a lot by them two.

and as if this would make my life any better, SOMEHOW they found my fotopages n went on it. abg najib was like "hamboooih nashaa...komen gambaq hang best naaa.." hikhik. he's still got the accent. so cool. n he went on telling my dad n other pakcik makcik. i love them...they're so cool. oh by the way...when i say i got my own back, i did! kak Herma (mama's coursemate. she's an indonesian) came around our house when we did the open house. she was talking to kak herma n kak herma wanted to reply something back so she used the term bapak "bapak" since they didn't know each other well enough. WE ALL LAUGHED. it seemed funny and as if he was old enough to be kak herma's bapak. so, the couples now are known as the "bapak najib n ibuk niza" hikhik...better than bieng called "kakek". i think kakek's a fun word. dont u think so? like the kelantanians, they use 'abe' for abang. so sexy la i find it. hehe. hihi...abe zam. abe alep, abe topek, abe ariff...hekhek..i cant say abe najib, though. get this! he's bapak najib, okeh. hehe. there was thislil girl used to call me "kakok" ateeqa. kakok eyh for kakak? i think soo. but i dont find it so sexy tho. nearly the same as kakek which is atok in indon. but i like kakek. whaaa? whadaheck, nasha? get back ur sense!

ritteee...esok ade 8 open houses lagi...last round seyh! tak best nyerh! yep. takpe la..there's always next year. hopefully i wont be as busy after the open houses thing finishes. Esok aku pakai baju merah hati. n kain pink. brought back from malaysia. used to be mama's baju kurung. how i've grown~

err...okeh la bloggie me chao dlu..."i've got to go"...hhiehieee...


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