
a personal blog


hehe...what shall i talk about?

oh ye! psst! dia tego aku, laa!! wa waa...bangge :P aku ss. ignore it. :)

hurrmmm....aku tak jd pegi pri coz aku n fam nak gi cranfield. isk. takde rezeki~ sian dayah. i'm so so so so so so and very the so sori! i reli reli reli DO feel guilty and gay. sukcs. and we jus planned the perfect things to do together. T_T. takpe~ Allah wants me to be at some other places.

smalam kol 7:30 sampai 10 mlm main badminton. hehe. best ssgt! god, i'm so in love with badminton right now. esp with the bujangs n daras. klako habis. diorang sumer baik2, cool2, cantik2, ensom2. we do jaga batasan nyer, okeh. takde keje de nak menggatai pegi sane.

tadik kol 3 sampai kol 5 pon ade badminton. heheee....bessttt. i love badminton. tho i'm not so good at it. hehe. along n i make the best partner ever! even when we both played against abg alep n topek, diorang still kalah. HOhoho~ n tadik, abg eijam ajak main single. hoho. best~ sampai 14 all! pastu duce, tp aku kalah by one point. hikhik...the others still had a go on him tho. lol. he's a hunky, body builder typa, yeah...still unfair, kan, kalo dia menang??! :P he's phunneyh.

i dunno what to talk about. i'm really bored. hie. i've got sleeping disoders. tension! pagi, aku bangon, and bla bla bla...time ayah n anip n along gi smayang jumaat, i got so hyper! coz noone was around. i talked to myself all the way thru and coz of the damn boredom, i even went in ayah n mama pnye bilik and lipat kain2 kat dlm clozip diorang. baik, kan? i dont do snooping bdway. ayah didn't say anything when he got back...didn't expect him to say a word anyway. it's him. no offence, but you know it well yourself. however, i'm expecting to see a-lil-burden-being-lifted-up face of mama's. coz i promise you, IT WAS A MESS! biasa la orang busy studying.....i feel good aftaer doing that. alhamdulillah i was bored. by that, i knew i've gained some pahala. sayang mama.

mama n i are so rapat. aku lagi rapat dgn mama than any of my best friends. i'm happy. Allah is sooo taking her soon. sigh, but she deserves it all. mam n i can talk just about anything. we talk about boys, crushes, life, personal stuff. whenever i'm bored, i'd call her office and we'd talk for a bit. she always makes time for me.

i like guys who smile a lot....bukan yg smile sbb miang ehh. smile to show that he wants to be friends with you. smile to show that he's friendly and pemurah. ugh! especially guys with lesung pipit. waaaa waaaaaa~ menangis aku. :P

GOD i'm bored! hari ni plak dia datang. on feb, it fell on the 17th. march plak, on the 13th....and bulan ni, it fell on the 6th!?!??!?! i've got issues. spatotnye at least 28 days, kan? oh well. to tell or not to tell(mama)? mama told me to tell her...but then she'd be worried and say that it's to do with my appendix (or was it appendix? i never got told why i was operated).'s just me. i'm unique.

GOD i'm bored! ugh...i'll probably have my friend sleeping over at mine soon. her name is Dina. guess how old she is? 6! yepppp....i'm THAT desperate! wuaaa...aku sunyi...aku nak balik mesia....aku rindu kawan2 akuuuu....isk isk T_T.

i dont really mind Dina. she's sweet and doesn't cry for her mummy everytime she wakes up and she doesn't wet her bad (i think...ush, i hope so..:P). i love kids. i'll be just the same as having a lil sis ^_^.

GOD i'm sooo bored! i wud really wanna go to the park and play swings ot monkey bars at this instant, this moment, TONIGHT! being teenagers suxs.

i'm off. BORED TO DEATH.
psst! eyy! call batrisyia, nak??


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