
a personal blog


1) Single, Taken, or Crushing?
i'd like to think that i'm taken eventho i'm not coz otherwise i'd be saying yes to just about anyone.

2) Are you happy with where you are?

3) When you meet the right person, do
you fall fast?
not really. i'll make his life a living hell first, see if he wud strive for me

4) Have you ever had your heart broken?
yea...that's why i'm kinda over boys now. kinda.

5) Do you believe that there are certain
circumstances where if they cheated on
you and you are planning to dump them then?
lol. why not? that'd be fun. you don't cry when he dumps you. you get even.

6) Would you ever take someone back if
they cheated on you?
naa. if that happenes, boy must i really like him

7) Have you talked about marriage with
another person?
lotsa people

8) Do you want children?
ey mestila! i wanna be a mother. a good mother. insyallah.

9) How many?
4? lol...keje pon tak lagi daa...tgk gaji aa dlu

11) If somebody liked you right now,
what do you think is a cool way to let
you know?
kasik hint, masok U, keje, say that i'm ready and wealthy enough to have kids with you and ask "now, do you like me?"...(then i'd be like, HELL YEAH! ngehngeh...takde la~). that depends if i'm still not taken tho. :D

12) Do you enjoy playing hard to get?

13) Do you want someone you cant have?
i did. it sucked. but i'm over that.

14)Do you believe love at first sight

15) Do you believe in celebrating
absolutely. but first of all, dia mesti la kene ingat the CORRECT date!

16) Do you believe that you can change
yes. if that's how much he's in luurve with me. hehe

17) If you could get married anywhere,
where would it be?
somewhere nice with my whole family's presence.

18) Do you have feelings for someone
right now?
yeah i guess. lol... just a crush tho. i wont go far. i'll get over it tomorrow. hikhik

19) Have you ever wished you could've
had someone but you couldnt?
iyerr...bape kali nak cakap nihh. but that all doesn't matter now, OKEYH? aiyaak...tanye lagi soklan camtue, aku tempeleng~

20) Have you ever broken a heart?

21) Would you ever fight over a guy/girl?
huhu...entahlah. tgk la if he's worth it, it'd be like over my dead body. otherwise, i'd be the first to give up. heheeee


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