
a personal blog



hari ni skolah habis pukul 2:40 ptg. :)

aku tgh jalan kaki nk balik rumah dgn Lizzie. dalam perjalanan nak belok ke selekoh menuju rumah aku, tetiba aku ternampak kereta merc hijau lalu sbelah aku. aku ckp kat lizzie, "Oh heyy! that's my dad...errr waitt, how come my brother gets a lift n i dont?!"...baru terprasan yg along pon ade dlm kereta tu. ugh. not fair.

sampai rumah, lapar plak, aku amek biskut dan teh. plan nak lepak depan tv la kejap. penat blaja la katekann...tapiee, plan terbantut sbb along, my brother who gets a lift by ayah whilst i have to make my own way all the way from school on feet, dah ade kat ruang tamu dulu, siap main ps2.

aku tanya along "along main lame lagie ke?"



aku pon duduk je ler kat sini sambil tgk dia main game. kononnye aku nak restrain diri dari guna komputer hari ni. kononnye ler..

so, when i knew he was seriously concentrating on the game, i decided to wind along up.

aku tanye "along ade exam hari ni?"


"exam susah hari ni?"

"along takde exam harini"

"subjek ape tadi?"

"mane ade exam harini"

"boleh buat tak?"

"takde exaammmm" ( i'm usually dead by now)

"ade exam ke takde?"

"tak adeeeeeeeee!"

"lerr...kenape tak ckp awal2..." saje~

hoho...pastu kene halau :P takde la...then, paham2 la aku biler kene blah.

so yeahh..THAT is for ruining my target, making me feel bad that you got a lift from ayah n i didnt, and last but not least, for fun :D


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