
a personal blog


Too scared to face love? How would I know it's even love? I don't want to be disappointed and I surely hate to disappoint someone after a good relationship as friends. Moreover, I'm still young. Should there be any love I feel about someone, it's going to come to an end anyway. Therefore, what's the point of giving it a go? Love is just an excuse to get hurt. Who needs love now, aite? I'll be fine. I'm doing great so far. Shan't ruin it for some guy who comes out of nowhere, saying love to me and one day break it all off. It's stupid, pointless and a waste of time. Things kind of happened the same if (or shall I say when) I truly loved someone. Scared to be in love, are you saying that I am? As much as I can avoid love, I think I should. I know some great guys, but doubt is there before anything else. Maybe I'm not prepared or maybe I've just had enough. Either way, maybe it's best for me to wait which also means I'm possibly letting, one of the best things that could have happened to me, passes by. I wouldn't know. The thing that I felt once, I don't feel it anymore.

It's all right. Everything's gonna be fine :)


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