
a personal blog


Roya Mail
Mail Cntre
11.51 am

monin everyone. da lame aku tak kecoh kat sini.

what's the story for today?
well,preceisely at 9:30 am this morning, the post was delivered. and surprise2, the one and only letter came was for me!

it was from my coach Mr Rowland. gosh i miss him. seriously! he is soooooo nice. very granda-like. he is soo inspiring and supportive. if i were to say nice stuff abt him, it will take the whole day. to sum it up in one word, he is THE BEST. as a coach, and as a person for all that matters.
so anyway, the letter was to infrom his -shall i say- gratitude.

he thanked me for the support and encouragement on others and of coz, for playing. furthermore, he'd like me to play in next year's team. wohooo! :D andd anddd, uwhh! did you know that he's England Badminton Coach? hoh, i didn't :P...well, i do now.

my coach is also famous amongst the malaysian teenagers. bebudak ex LB dulu, dia penah coach. for example, Mira, Yasmin, Shafik, Amie, Den, Najwa, Sakinah...and i bet ramai lagi :) (Limehurst High Scool hired him as a coah and all of them attended the training session afta shool). He did ask where the other malaysians were. and i just said they'd left :(. but he remembers some of the names.

(he's the one at the far back, ur left hand side..isk isk. whyy thereeeeeeeee!!??! and another FAB coach is Andy, the first one standing on ur right)

training session dgn dia kat Uni...i cant wait for the next session to start. i'd be more than happy to tag along...afta all, it wud probably be my last anyway. T__T but hey, there's nothing to be grived on. i enjoyed my 3 years of training with him. and of course, Andy (coach yg muda sket :P).


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