
a personal blog

hallucination, hysterical?


going to college...

hmm..penat betul mencari spek mate tadi...
sambil mencari, dlm seimbas, saye nampak mcm ade pen biru terapung.
ish ish ish. hallusinasi!
penat tau cari...
sampai saye dah give up dgn harapan mungkin tertgl kat dapur..
dah on the way ke dapur, saye gelak sorang2..
pulak dah. mula2 hallusinasi, kemudian mcm histeria?
patot la cari speck tak jumpa sbb slame ni saye tgh memakainye :D:D:D

makcik yg crazy.
i love the snow. VERY THE GEBU! makes me wanna dive in and sleep in it. if i were to make a snow man i'd hug and never let go...and at this time of the year, i'd highly recommend people to invest in ABC (ais kacang) business! ;)


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