
a personal blog

Persepolis HUM 142 Presentation


mashaAllah byk nye benda nk repot!!
hehe. where to begin...

begin dgn hari ni..well, saye tido lambat. boleh agak sbb ape. ade presentation. it was for my Women and Creativity class. i had to talk about an autobiographical graphic novel Persepolis (comic style), by Marjane Satrapi, Iranian Muslim women.

group kitorang ni hebat. 2nd group to presentation ni is done weekly and ramai org fill up names dorang week yg last2 sbb procrastination la kan. who would blame them and there's nothing wrong with that. more prep itu bagus. buttt, in my case, i was intrigued by the topic. so, wlpn i was running short on time, buat aje lah.

monday, at 4, me, Ashley (jew), April (atheist), Larone (catholic)...we discuss we were gona present out work. April did hers on native american, ashley buat psl jew and larone psl muslim. baring in mind, we had to look up on just the women artist. dahh larone pilih tu, aku assign to do on something else. Persepolis :) it was fair enough. something new, and little that i knew of.

It's interesting. bile discuss, aku tanye ashley kenape dia nk buat on judaism, her reason was, she's a jew but she's not religious. she doesnt know a lot of jewish thing so, that's what attracted her to do it. sort of like, rediscovering herself.
my focus was on women's oppression and the veil. most religion ade dressing code nye sendiri whether it be on the respecting of God or obligating God's rules. jews, they wear their version of kopiah, ade yg shave their have to completely bald n pakai wig, in the context of respecting God according to their beliefs. Ashley jugak kate that, jews dont believe in sins or hell. because every year you'd go on somewhat their version of pilgrimage and you'll be forgiven despite what sins/crimes you've committed. i questioned a lot of circumstances on that. she's not a practicing jew as i was informed..and oh, she talked about Bar and Bat is like the son and bat is the 'daughter' of mitzvah.

whereas larone, he's a non practising chatholic. we had a good chat. how he's still him, some christian stuff did get into him, u know. he's a good man. humble, smart, friendly and all that. his mama taught him well abt respect, attitude and morals. and he wanted to do on Islam because he found the religion unique and he has always found muslim women interesting. and we talked and talked abt our perspective views of religion. they asked and they asked and i answered and i answered...i felt good! takde lah aku masuk kan surah2 serta hadith2 dlm kate2 ku. mungkin sket2 buttt, i felt good because i was able to express myself and talk them into it. i was able to reason upon to the things i do that i would say it's a mark of Islam. of course at the same time, despite the mistakes and wrong doings that i perform. yg buruk semuaaanya dari diriku. and i mean, semua. check 90:79 (An Nisa):)
nevertheless, islam is about finding your true self (which without doubt you'll with the existance of God..mmg tak bleh lari. confirm pnya). without Islam, i wouldn' have been half the person i am today! (seteruk2 aku, tanpa islam, confirm keterukan aku double! knowing the spirit and the kind of person i am). so now that i've found myself, i'm in the process of CREATING myself. mcm add maths yg saye cinta, kita dah jumpa formula yg tepat sekali tgl lagi skarang cammane kite nk apply formula tu...:)

ateeqa nasha sgt useless when it comes to being all philosophical :D kenape aku guna contoh add maths? absurd but it works.

then, aku search kan Maher Zain - Open Your Eyes vid kat youtube psl convertion tu and tell him to watch it. ya, he went speechless, in a good or bad way, Allah knows. nevertheleess, at leasttt there was something! :D
it was priceless lah. the strength was neverr mine. it came from Allah. which i thank You for :)

oke, so, hari tuesday ade kelas. but aku tak pegi...ayah kat minneasota then iowa, ade sorang student melayu minneasota pegi wisconsin utk ski. then, dia terjatoh n went unconcious..terus ayah pegi ke hospital. travel 7 hours. then, dia kene pindah ke Iowa(dh negeri lain) hospita plak sb tak cukup equipment. 3 hari kot ayh takde.

anyway, wednesday, lps kelas psychology, dari pagi tu aku on laptop tak boleh2! dah, lepak je kat computer corner kat kolej. and cammane tah, larone prasan aku n holler at me saying he was glad to run into me coz he needed help with keje presentation esok ni. tak selesa jugak sbnarnye but i was supposed to be his primary source. so oke, it went smoothly...sempat bincang half n hour. theen aku balik.

aku tido 3.30 nk siapkan power point. tak bleh la power point plain2. it's so naked. now that dah ade windows 7 pnye update. WOW. byk sgt feature best2. so, i went designing, changing this and that, putting a bit of twist here and there..annd TADA! :D

10.30pg tadi, aku ke library nk setelkan hal. kelas start kul 11. aku jumpa ashley n larone...with their books and laptops, still working n scratching out on their power point presentation. kesian sgt. mate depa lebam2, cek habaq! nampak sgt tak tidoq. ya Allah, kesiann sgt...pastu, they were panicking, nk extension pe sume coz apparently they got mixed up. cegu nk kami focus more towards the religion and not so much on the artist's work. jenuh! i was there to cheer them up. smile, talk, listen, menyibukk. :D
aku masuk kelas kul 11, depa masuk 10 min after.

i was supposed to go first then larone, ashley n april. sort of to make a good transition. and time nk transfer keje2 kat computer cegu, drive dia tak read plak plak memory stick aku. aiiii...heart attack gak time tu. then, lampu dah tutup..seb bek larone ade utk back me up..dia start first n aku bukak laptop ku utk emel kan keje so that kat pc angela, aku bleh save kan keje tu terus. tgk2 takda signal tenet on off on off plak. sambil presentation tu, aku kene cabut lari terus ke library n guna computer situ. sangat lama plak daaaaaah nk transfer file. time tu baca sgala doa moga2 file tu bleh di baca kat cmputer cegu.

byk plak cobaan...Alahamdulillah in the end, i delivered it well tho i miss my own groups's presentation. aku sampai2 je, on time for the April nk sudahkan presentation dia.

so, aku budge in dgn santapan vid ni as a muqqadimmah.


  1. wow! ashley larone and april are friends with different religions. and u, ur muslim. oh so random hehehehe.


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