
a personal blog

SUMMER 2010 begins! Tennesse, Midwest Games-i 2010 Purdue, Makan Ria MCC

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
السلام عليكم

a quick update..

Vanderbilt University Commencement Day. best.
having to finish my last class thursday afternoon, kak nazirah and I started our journey to Nashville, Tennesse (TN) where Vandy Uni is. so, along the way, we had to cross two other states; Indiana (IN) and Kentucky (KY). Kak Nazirah was the noble driver and I, the co-pilot. it tok five hours to reach KY to pick our friend, Kak Dayana and another 3 to finally arrive in Nashville. it was already 6 am in the morning when we reached Kak Nik's house, where we stayed for a good 3 days. anddd guess what, the commencement started at 9am. sempat tidur2 kambing je.

Places we went, The Commencement (80 family members i.e. parents, granmas, cousins, uncles, aunties, sis n bros came all the way from Malaysia. fuhh), The Senior Night event, India Restaurant (kambing kari yg sedap), Rumah senior2 and kawan2 yg lain), Bubble Iced Tea Shop, Korea Restaurant, Sushi Place, Kak Roshima's and Kak Nasyrah's, University's campus, Nashville's Mall, Walmart, Pancake Pastry (the best!) and so many more...

well this one, i think it was on the 25th June. anyway, the moment everyone had been waiting for, The Midwest Game-i (international) 2010. Ayah was the advisor of the event. my friend Jeb was the director of MWG-i 2010, hosting by Purdue Uni. it was a 3 day event but the MSDs Chicago had to come early for preparation of the event, on thursday when it actually started on Fri for registration. we were supposed to reach Purdue by 7pm but ayah first had to 'escort' the Menteri Pertahanan Malaysia, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the wife, sons and other delegates. they arrived at Sheraton Hotel in downtown Chicago at 11pm and we were there by 9pm. there was a misunderstanding about timing because of the time difference in Central and Eastern time. That's how huge USA is. fuh. so, long story short, we arrived in Homewoods suites in Purdue at 3am.

it was a great event. nothing like Notts games, Manchester's games n whatnot. not to demean any party but it was totally difference. this is a 3 day event..why? because people had to travel all the way from one end of the country to the other. that was why Purdue was the target for Midwest game this year becauce it's  in the central part of USA. we had people from Penn state, New York, Michigan, Nebraska, CANADA! and so many more...ade yg fly, ade yg naik bas satu rombongan, naik kereta sewa (bdk2 Vandy ada roughly 67 students yg datang!) ade yg mogok. hehe..(some bdk2 UIUC illinois. why? sbb last year pnye Midwest game was canceled due to H1N1 and it was only 2 days because the big event).

i played soccer for chicago's team and we were known as The Chi Town Worriors. hehe. 'mcm' gempak. mmg pon. agak bengis team kami. in our team all of them were the people who are residents here. makcik2, me, faten and chiah. somehow we were more famously known as the geng Mak Orang. and yes, the other teams played rough. ade tarik2, tolak2 sampai jatuh pastu senyum, buat muka puas hati dan ada juga yg ckp padan muka. hah. very mature. seriously team kami nampak bengis tapi tak main kotor pon. may the fair teams get their justice. and ditakdirkan, the other team yg tere dan main bersih, Purdue team masuk final. Rival team Chicago. but they won :) lost to them by 1-0. balik dapat la pingat..

i was busy! saye main bola, kompang and badminton (ganti org..seb baik menang. balik chicago dgn 2 pingat :)). i was also the secretariat of the event and volunteer for Badminton sports. register org, record score and whatnot. i was helped by many of other friends too. keje saye ulang alik dari padang ke Corec (recreational center). muka pon dah rentung. main bola kul 12 tgh hari, 2 ptg kat tgh2 padang. baiik pnye.

2 nights in a row, talk, ceramah, seminar...we had representatives from Sirim, Graduan, Bank Negara (kak alya, kak liz and abg adhari, i helped these folks as they recruited me bila singgah rumah the 2 days before midwest g), UMP, UPM ad so many more, promoting their company to students who would be looking for jobs.

the MWG-i 2010 Night event was interesting, quite a lot of  mistakes done by the emcee and speakers but never mind. there were a few dances like zapin, performances by Ameerah Ali (song writer and singer), video by Hanif and THE BEST OF ALL (serious tak tipuu), performance dari Chicago.

Complete of the whole MWG-i 2010

Purdue Closing Performance

Fira, sis from Kansas performing with the Chi band (abg nasser, uncle hamidi, kak banun)..last minit serap! :D

oke. enough with midwest game. then, ade event mcc (malaysian club chicago) pulak doh. it's called 'Makan Ria 2010'. tiket masuk $30. yep, mahal jugak. but, skali skale. for a 'good' cause i guess. nk promotekan Malaysia la ni. i volunteered to be the emcee (god knows why...). i've always hated public speaking but i surprised myself that i made that offer. hm, buut it's good. alhamdulillah. i dared myself, i challenged myself. it had always been my weakness it became such a nuisance. it wasss annoying. why? lemme tell you. everytime i had a presentation, i would dread! espeeecially facing the foreign people. there had been many occasions when i messed up my speech, lines, i became numb, almost as though, i was still new to english. betullah. jd mcm tak reti ckp. concious sgt kot sampai berterabur. hmm...that's why, i told myself, this, i must do even more of it. but never lah pulak did i dream that i'd take up for an emcee straight away as a stepping stone. but, alhamdulillah God was with me, this time round, it went ok :)

pastu tak pasal2, they drag me along to do tarian for grand finale and played a lil bit of kompang in the Rentak Asia dance performance.



byk lg event tak tertulis. ni je yg sempat...


  1. Nasha , great job and very nice events you joined btw . Macam besh jugak bcoz orang melayu macam ramai kan ?

  2. hehe. ramaaai sgt pikah :) masa event tu, 800 lebih org dtg jugak la all over US. huhu.


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