
a personal blog

Program Ihya' Ramadhan 2010

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
السلام عليكم

Alhamdulillah. weekend yg penuh dgn pengisian~
mcm non stop pulak tetamu dtg :) last weekend after subuh anta sara and uncle rahman drove off to mich to fetch kak bismi, mother and daughters. that's 5 hours forth and back in a day. takpe. perjalanan bermatlamat kn.

Day 1 -Ketibaan geng2 vandy pd malam itu

Day 1 - i learnt about focus, not giving up..first time ever tiup belon sampai pecah. everyone was given a ballon and from the beginning till the end of the program, we all had to blow the ballon to the point that it poped despite whatever it took. it took me quite by one person succedded and i was one of the few remained. cuakkk. lapar2 puasa pon bleh jd kenyang sbb tiup belon. somehow. tertelan angin sendiri balik kot. ustad pon join..dan dgn bangganya gelak kt saye..isk2. after sometime, 5-10mins that seemed like a life time, it finally popped. sampai termakan belon tu. percaye lah. huduh sungguh nk gambarkan blk scenario tu. dah.

*Day 2 activities - blajar salam 'Gabriel' dan cerita pasal 'Cookies'

then, the 21+ of of were split into groups of 4/5. each of us was given a paper and out of that, made 4 smaller my group, there were umi aisyah, abg wan's wife, firdaus and hazimie from minneasota. so the deal was that, everyone had to be a model i.e. sit, do nothing and look pretty for an entire 3 minutes for other members in the group to evaluate you. by the first impression. in two columns, Positive and Negative.

lets start with my negatives that people wrote about me.
in two pieces of papers (from two people), they wrote..

*kene ikhlas kan lg senyuman
*pakaian longgar sikit

*garang kot

yg positive from 4 people..
hmm..takyah lah cite. the focus was to improve my bads and value my goods. Dr Rubiah said it's to see whether you have the potentials for interview. first impression counts.

those comments, i accepct whole-heartedly. teguran and komen ikhlas kn. saye pon kritik org bleh tahan juge. ngee. the first two comments tu personal dan mendalam maybe org tu kenal saye *winks*. ape yg saye bleh katekn, inshaAllah..saye akn cuba improve kn diri. yg garang ngan serius tu, saye suke komen tu. walaupun tu sepatutnye menjadi keburukan saye. but i take them positively. mmg saye seorang yg serius..mentah2 dan sehingusan saye pon saye seorang yg serius. garang pon ye.

bile nampak garang, org tak brani la kacau org kalau dh gatai merghla sgt, singa betina yg tgh kebulog pon dia nk kacau kn. tapi confirm saye tak garang camtu. harap2.

*Day 2 activities - Kerjasama..hihi berdiri atas carpet kecik 4 org dan cuba ke garisan penamat

oke, so ade yg kate saye nampak berilmu, lemah lembut, pemalu..nampak je la mcm kn. saye aminkn je. feveret saye, it has to be, 'tak sombong'..Alahamdulillah...saye sukeee. saye lega pon ye. everytime i meet new people, it's an effort to not look sombong meaning, i have to initiate the talking, the smiling and the offering. which i'm always gladly to do so..

maksud saye it's an effort tu sbb pernah saye dianggap sombong :( oleh cikgu2 sekolah..cegu2 yg saye tak kenal dan tak mengajar saye pn. imagine that. last kali one of the teachers ni terconfess bila dah mesra dgn saya sbb saye dh jd anak buah dia utk public speaking competition (which i did soo badly) dan perkenalkan anak sulung dia (aduuuh malu dah). menurut beliau, cara saya berjalan nampak arrogant..dan skarang one of the teachers tu tegur saya bila terserempak dan siap tarik hand bag saye dan suruh buat kenduri to the point that oke dah melbih2 plak mesra cegu ni. ini semua tahun 2008 & 2009. cammana nk ubah cara jln bg tak nampak sombong? hmm. sudah lah. kita berusaha. saye pon manusie..

*Day 2 activities- Tiup belon sampai pecah

Day 2 - tiup belon laaaaaaaaaagi! haih. nk ngelat tapi terkantoi juge. Dr Rubiah suruh saye pilih belon..saye amek kaler hijau. feveret.

saye belajar SEFT (Tapping skill) untuk focus feeling kite dan hilangkan ngantuk, sakit atau apa2 rase yg nk kite nyahkn.

lepas tazkirah subuh, saye dan bdk2 vandy reflect blk activities kami. ade sahabat ni brought up blk bahawasanya dia tak puas hati bila umi ckp 'Kalau tak kenal syurga di dunia, dia tak kenallah syurga di akhirat'..kami brought up blk, mcm contradict je. bukankah bg org kafir, dunia itu syurga manakala bg org mukmin, dunia itu di ibaratkan penjara?? so it was left pending..dah cerah sket dorang akn tanya umi..tapi tak tertanya pon..
*Day 2 activities - 'sesi berta'ruf', dapatkan contacts as many as posible

tapi bila pikir blk..that statement was taken out of context. Umi Rubiah pon ade mentioned psl surah Ar-Rahman...tu la. Al-Waqiah pon ye jgk. dan mcm2 surah lg lah. byk dah describe syurga di akhirat mcm mana.

next activity tiup belon jugak. from one end to the other end and follow where the ballon took us. we learnt about being 'A winner with self-principles' (no cheating) and jalan menuju kejayaan perlukan kesabaran, strategi (doing it right) dan usaha. it's just a matter of time. kite tak bleh tukar takdir..accept it as God's map.

*Day 2 activities - semua peserta dpt sijil dan sesi bergambar

harini plak, iftar kat rumah ustaz. ade bacaan yasin then, berbuka. ustaz buat couscous special :) i got to see baby nadia arissa. bdak tu breath-takingly beautiful lah. MashaAllah..


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