
a personal blog

pakcik baju merah dlm bas. so, those who are blind and deaf, what's left for them?

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
 السلام عليكم

oke. alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah..sekarang saye tenang.
straight away Allah sent me down some peace of mind. sementara tunggu bas, finally ade jembalang besar kelihatan disebalik hutan Oakton..semua ready dah kalut nk beratur. rupe2 tu itu lori makanan. malu dah. takpe.
when the real bus came, i took a seat, still feeling mortified. Allah knows. half way through, there was a man, picked up from Golf Mill mall, sat next to me. he had been smoking, (drunk maybe?) clearly from his odor. so he opened up the windows..he seemed scary at first. big guy. american, most possibly. and typically, as strangers would start of the conversation, the topic of weather is a cliche. he talked about the blue sky stuff.

i was glad he spoke to me :) thank you Allah. a heavy burden from my chest was lifted up. i just needed someone to talk to. regardless of however trivial the subject is...

tanye2 la dok mane, keje, makanan, malaysia.

the he went, "so you're a moslem?"
"yes, i am" while smiling, i replied.
"so you don't have to wear the veil cover huh?"
"'s a choice. one wears it because it would make them feel closer to God i supposed. so sometimes it symbolizes one's piousness too."
"it's a culture.."
"it can be too..but also we had a number of devout women wear that in the history"
"my mom use to live in sicily...and she had to wear a head covering every time she enters the church"
"oh, that's in the middle she a christian?"
"yes..well, she's a roman catholic"

mind you we were the only talking bunch in among the silents. heran kan, my ideal scenery in a bus is that everyone talks to each other..frantically noise. nway, high chance that our convo was heard by most if not many. pakcik tu ckp kuat2 la..:( segan org dgr perbualan saye. saye tau la sbb saye slalu curi2 dengar convo org. hihihi. ishh. and the convo went on until the bus stopped at my destination. religious talk, religious can get a lil overwhelming sometimes. but also, more often than not, it's a self discovery too... over and over again :) and you know just how Maha Agung Allah is. please keep me in the right path oh Allah.

what especially frustrated me was that this particular religion was clearly stated that it was created OUT OF VOID by someone unknown. one day he just decided to write epic myths and tales...the poeple yg mengaut agama tu pon bukannye worship the writer pon. but the characters in the myths and tales that, - may i repeat again- were created out of void. im sorry. i cannot digest that. but that's for sure. i felt wasted but i tried bearing in mind that in class, im here to learn and understand. interfaith is always good. but dont they see there was already a problem in the beginning there? the teaching of morals, values are important and there are no bad religions as to promoting hatredism. but doctrine is vital. we keep wanting to know which religion can best prove to us with evidence and isn't it enough to just believe?

many people i've met say "i believe there is a God...where ever He is. and I need to know that my sins are all forgiven before i go to bed. you know...i'd like to know whether im eligible for Your heaven or not. i mean, i'm not particularly a bad person in general..i give charity, i love animals and i help people a lot"...yes, but at the same time you drink, gamble, have free sex and make fun of God. we keep asking what God can do for us but really it should be the question of what we can do for God? are we not His creations?

 spiritually we believe that we are involved with God but what have we done to legitimate our our roles, our nature, our fitrah as His creations? where there's a firefighter there's fire, where there's a government there are the people, where there's a teacher there are the students and where there's a Lord there are the slaves...where there's a proxy and higher authority, there are those to serve and to be served. Allah played His role..all the 99 Asma ul Husna. have we played the roles for our attributes?  we were created to serve a purpose. why dont we humble ourselves..we obey our boss but how much commitment have we put ourselves to obey our Lord? a set of doctrines from God is the cure and the guide to live our life the best way. sungguh..agama itu tak menyusahkan.

religion is not about proving but it's about believing. Al Quran is not a scientific book. Nevertheless, it's scientifically proven. Al Quran is there sebagai berita baik utk para As Sabirin dan peringatan bg yg lalai. so they say, seeing is believing. but Allah granted us with eyes, ears and hearts! see, hear and feel and understand.

Dan sesungguhnya Kami jadikan untuk neraka jahanam banyak dari jin dan manusia yang mempunyai hati (tetapi) tidak mahu memahami dengannya (ayat-ayat Allah), dan yang mempunyai mata (tetapi) tidak mahu melihat dengannya (bukti keesaan Allah) dan yang mempunyai telinga (tetapi) tidak mahu mendengar dengannya (ajaran dan nasihat); mereka itu seperti binatang ternak, bahkan mereka lebih sesat lagi; mereka itulah orang-orang yang lalai. Al Araf 7:179

so, those who are blind and deaf, what's left for them? kite masih ada hati, bukan? verily Allah Maha Adil. they too have hearts that function to speak, feel, listen and understand. because of that heart we breath the same air, the same blood runs through our veins, we know and feel love, anger, sad, happy, calm without even seeing and hearing them physically. so lets open up our hearts...

Verily! Those who fear their Lord unseen (i.e. they do not see Him, nor His Punishment in the Hereafter, etc.), theirs will be forgiveness and a great reward (i.e. Paradise). Al Mulk 67:12

and bile nyawa dah sampai di kerongkong, when the heart stops beating, that is the last resource and the last straw. it's never too late until it actually is. lets not be heedless ya ayyuhal ikhwah wa akhawat :) of course, most and foremost, im reminding myself. macammana kite nk org faham agama kita, mcm tu la diorang rasa jugak utk agama diorang. mintak lah Allah beri kite semua petunjuk, keep us in iman dan taqwa always. ada bezanya antara orang yang beriman dan yang bertaqwa...wallahualam.

i yearn for the truth to be revealed to them. the miracles that i feel and know, i want them to have that too. i yearn they seek for the truth. and as a walking reminder, i yearn to speak up and be the best representer of my religion. oh Allah, engkau berikan lah hambaMu ini kemahuan, keyakinan dan kekuatan untuk memperjuangkan agamaMu. berikanlah kami semua petunjukMu..Allahumma ameen...


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