
a personal blog

My last January 2011 weekend

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
 السلام عليكم

today saye masak tom, tom yam.
skang busy sket nk baca buku.
but get hooked up on fb for a while. update Oakton 2011 V-day group,
invited people, as it's still new and fresh,
check email dari prof...byk mandatory events kene pegi
messages kat fb tak berbalas. i'm sorry3.
always a super duper pleasure to read them. a seriously bubbly pleasure to read them.
but it's a disease of mine to delay at replying messages.
unless it's super duper URGENT that the person told and typed in to reply ASAP.
(mengade2kan saye :(..hmph)
but i'm up for it now..i have to! ini tgjwb kamu ateeqa nasha.
my baby RAIHANAH RAZALI akn ke Monash University next month.
tahniah sgtt. words cannot describe how i'm proud of you! teruskan perjuangan ^_______^
saye akan visit dia, inshallah...kalau ade rezqi. naaakk sgt :)
esok, sabtu pagi ni meeting TVM crews kat Oakton. sabtuuuu. hmm. tetamu bowling dr purdue akn dtg petang esok (sabtu)..tapi saya nk ke ann arbor sok. ada event sket. Islam and Performing Arts. one of the speaker, imported dari Malaysia. 9-5, there will be 8 speakers. lebih kurang camtulah yg saye dengar.
baru2 ni kenalan saye dari swansea,uk pnye ayah ade bagi talk sepulangan beliau dari uk ke malaysia...dan dia invite saye utk pergi. oh how i wish! additionally ade erma fatima...kakak yg interview saye dulu. haaa..ape ni ape ni? hehee. cite dulu..sekarang hanyalah tinggal semangat yg lagi berkobar2 :D:D

tgk2, ade conference ni kat UMich, An Arbor plak. this is exactly something like Islam and Performing Arts, i thought. what a coincidence! sangat best...nak pergiii...
Ya Allah, permudahkanlah bagiku..berikanlah aku mana yang terbaik. inshallah..
ahad, 1MAI bowling. seronoknya dpt berkumpul ramai2. macam family day plak. ade 14 teams. setiap team ade 3 org. sape dlm team saye? nnt la cite..then, ade meeting sket dgn geng2 chicago. meeting ape? to be continued...jeng3.
isnin assignment day, Phi Theta Kappa dan events. bla3...
and on and on..


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