
a personal blog

there has never been a one step forward, two steps back.

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
 السلام عليكم

alhamdulillah...Allah thank you for making it easy for me.
i'm officially an NIU's student, fall 2011 intake. i'd finish my degree by 2014, inshallah. dah dpt student photo id semua, i've registered for classes...tgl nk start kelas je 22 August 2011 ni. alhamdulillah.


apartment je belum cari lagi. laptop je belum cari lagi. student bank account je belum buat lagi. lesen belum buat lagi. barang2 belum cari lagi....all because of the pending scholarship.

i'm still waiting and hoping.

but Allah, should it not go as planned, please help me be strong and redha of Your decision. i know You only want what's best for me...and You're never late.

Allah, You have made my life journey such and amazing one. I never imagine myself to have grown up in Loughborough. I would never imagine to be able to go to US a year after that. that's beyond my wildest dream and thought. still, i can't believe i'm in the states. often times when i stroll along downtown Chicago, i aaaaaaaaaalways wonder, Allah, what am I doing here? am I really in chicago? alhamdulillah.

With that, i believe, comes expectation...i know please help me to assist others. let these experiences that i have grown myself out to be, ones that make me a better person, a better muslim.

ya Allah, aku rasa hina sgt2 utk meminta lagi dan lagi dan lagi...yang Engkau dah bagi ni pun dah beyond what i think of for myself. Jgnlah Engkau biarkan kami memungkari nikmahMu. Allah, i could do so much more with this harta..i could do so much more at this age. Allah, i could do so much more with the time i'm provided with. Help us not be those who are led astray and heedless.

Allah, i forget at times...please remind me of your Hikmah.

Uncle once said "sometimes things happen when you stop doing anything" - bila dah habis berusaha, let God.

Ateeqa Nasha dear,  your life has never been such a normal one. no one's is anyway. you could make an epic book out of it. but remember, you always come out of a situation alive and complacent. in this particular situation, whatever happens, you can't complain. You're with your family, great companies and nikmat the world is yours! alhamdulillah :)

inshallah, aku redha dgn segala keputusan. que sera sera. what ever happens, happens. I know you're not going to fall short. never ever let yourself fall short. you aalways have to make the best out of your situation. Allah expects something from you.

there has never been a one step forward, two steps back. you life is meant to go just as it's going right now.


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