
a personal blog

Antara Darling dan Mukush

بِسْــــــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِارَّحْمَنِ ارَّحِيم

"...Allah hendak menguji apa yang ada dalam dada kamu, dan untuk membersihkan apa yang ada dalam hati kamu. Dan (ingatlah), Allah sentiasa mengetahui akan segala (isi hati) yang ada di dalam dada." Ali-Imran 154

check balik niat. why do i do what i do. why do i write what i write.
Please, ya Allah jgn biarkan mata hati kami ghurur (dikelabui). amin..

24 July 2012

So, wassap today?
saya ada seorang kawan American Filipino ni. namanya samarannya, Darling. Dia baru reverted to Islam last year but Maashallah dah berjubah dan tudung labuh consistently. Oh ye, dan juga berniqab. Just how her dad hates it. Sepanjang summer ni dia tak ambil kelas ponkat NIU, tapi dia masih hang out kat rumah dia dan adek di Dekalb, away from her family sebab mudah katanya nak praktis Islam bila berjauhan dgn family buat sementara waktu. Subhanallah, kan. I met  Darling at Walmart last 2 weeks and last weekend, I decided to have our first girl day out. I went out to eat frozen yogurt with her and my neighbor. My neighbor is from Azerbaijan, ikut suami dia buat master kat NIU. Let's call her, Mukush (means honey/dear, in Azeri). She just started donning the hijab earlier this year. 

Bila dengar kisah Darling dan Mukush ni, saya fikir, mereka ada persamaan. Dua2 struggle/bermujahadah untuk berhijab. Hebat ke hebat, mereka ni? While me and many whom I see are merdeka to abide God's commands are taking this freedom for granted. Ayah Darling saangat tak suka dia pakai tudung. Ada suatu ketika dimana Darling sedang gardening kat rumahnya di Dekalb, nak dijadikan cerita, ayah dan mak dia nk datang to pay her a surprise visit. Surprise indeed! Ayah dia threat, kalau dia nampak Darling pakai tudung lagi, dia akn rombak barang Darling dan buang semmuaa tudung dia. Imagine after a while being apart dgn parents, bila jumpa kena jerkah habis2an *sobs*. In fact, ayah dia nyaris2 hantar dia ke therapi sebab igt dia ada sakit mental sbb jadi Muslim :( and all of this happened at the beginning of this year bila dia mula confess yang hati dia milik Islam. On the contrary, mak Darling adalah super awesome. Mak dia puji dia kata dia nampak lawa berhijab. In fact, mak dia tlg pilihkan her first jubah :) kontra..tapi itulah pertolongan dari Allah untuk hamba2Nya. Subhanallah.

Mukush pula, katanya, 98% manusia di negaranya adalah Muslim. Tapi, di sekolah, adalah satu kesalahan undang-undang jika mereka berhijab. That includes teachers who teach there. Hijab diharomkan. Banned completely. Nada. Pada awal perkahwinan, suaminya pernah lahirkan keinginan supaya sang isteri berhijab. Dia takda masalah ikut ckp suami tapi, dia tak sanggup pakai tudung untuk suaminya. Biarlah dia dengan dengan hati terbuka berhijab kerna Allah. Alhamdulillah sejak dok kat US ni, dia dah start berjinak2 dgn tudung dan istiqomah terus menerus till happily ever after...inshallah, even bila dia balik ke Azerbaijan tahun depan. Amin.:D

Dalam kisah2 sensasi mereka tu, saya pon nak share jugakk sesuatu. But really, the only similarity or shall I say, something that I can relate to is that, Darling's living with her own sistah from same motha while me, my own brotha! :) See...we do have something in common. But maybe that's about it. Taking at face value, memang la serupa tapi pada meat and bone valuenya, tak sama. I'm blessed to be living with seseorang yang berhead wiredkan Islam juga (inshallah). Kamcing lg sekepala = harmonis, gitu. Inshallah. But for Darling, it's a different story. Living under the same roof with her family member has proven to be quite a test for her. Her sister's now thinking about petting a dog. She nicely explains her condition to her sister, but if the sister insists on getting a dog, then she can't help it *why oh whyy*. It's going to be quite a hassle, a bit tough, she said. A BITT?! Moga Allah permudahkan segala urusan dunya dan akhirat dia. Jom sama2 kita doakan kakak Islam baru kita ni :) Paying her my sympathy is like paying a dime for a diamond worth of ujian. I do not feel so sorry for her because she's a Muslimah with 8 pack muscles in the heart. Yeahh. So I try to empathize the challenges she's going through. Inshallah. Allah gerentikan sweetness of iman atas iman at the end of the journey. 

Allah ya As Sami', please keep her in in the safest company. I can't imagine how lonely it must be to be in her shoes. Muslims live as a herd. But she's keeping a distant from the community. Please ya Allah, use me to the fullest, to accompany her in any way possible. Please let this companionship be the like of  the companionship of Nabi Harun and Nabi Musa (peace be upon them both), at times he needed it most. Amin.

 She was sooo excited that in this month of Ramadhan,she's finally going to start learning how to read and observe the Quran. She started off being a political sciene student who got struck by the Bosnian Massacre 1995 and the Palestanian-Israeli Conflict. In less than a month, *wow* she wanted nothing more but to be a Muslim. 

Alhamdulillah in the month of Al-Quran yang penuh barakah ni, Allah ignited another light that lits life. Yesterday was our first date by the lake. As how Allah has taught us Iqra' through ayah, mama, wan, ustaz and ustazah, isn't it about time that we now do our part by passing down and sharing the 'ilm with others? How long more am I  going to keep this to myself? (Ye la ye la. Nak pass la ni. Anak first pon belum keluar lagi...) 

"Allah's help is always around. I'm just so happened to be here. If I don't do this, I'll be held accountable."

Dlm keheningan petang yang permai itu, ketenteraman taman Dekalb dipecahkan dengan gema... 

"Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim. Alif, Ba, Ta..."


  1. and nanti darling akan ajr anak dia how to read the quran..cucu..cicit..sampai semua community american filipino blajar baca quran (and jadi muslim of cos)..semua tu akan tangkap kepala sha, heret sha kuat-kuat laju2 and campak masuk syurga..hehe. ameen.


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