Hmm..dah lama saya tak tulis bersahaja.
wish-list semakin panjang.
So, i'm just done with my Anthropology class, belajar psl Neolithic civilization, the Ancient Egypt.
Sekarang, after kelas, saya rajin la turun hall and sembang dengan Prof. It started dgn niat nak ajak ke Discover Islam Week kat NIU two weeks ago. Sekarang dah habis DIW, takkan nak menyepi je. Nampak sgt ada agenda, dulu. Prof ni agak cengei (ye..bunyi mcm banyak je prof2 saya cengei). There were times when he abruptly dismissed class because when he heard a whisper in the kuliah hall, or saw somebody with their gadgets on. Ada masa dia jerkah. But that's all his pet peeve already warned and mentioned of. Tekanan jugak mula2 tu. Fikir, mak ai, sikittt je kesalahan tu. The whisper, I didn't even hear a thing! As a student interested in listening what he has to say (ceyy...cannot go, gitu), it was a bummer bila cikgu cancel class.
Then I had a moment of reflection. Come on la students. Prof yang sorang tu, takkan tak boleh layan kerenah dia. Dia nak kena layan kerenah student yang beratus ni, we should at least try to respect him and be courteous to his needs. He always comes to class prepared, ready to transmit knowledge to us, kita takkan tak boleh duduk diam utk that 50 minutes, 3 times a week.
He became more dearly to me as I talked more to him. Prof ni comel sket sbb not just his cheeks are always blushing but his chinny chin chin too. That's rare, ok. Lol. Sebelum kita pikir yang bukan2, i should mention yang prof ni dah pun lebih kurang pangkat adek kepada datuk saya kot. I was used to being in a classroom that was more compact at Oakton. That way, profs and students could have more personalized teaching and learning environment. Coming to NIU, I'm being put into classes in big halls which, I seriously grieve over. The thing is, being in a sitting position for more than 30 minutes is not my ideal way of learning. Sitting down for a long time is not good for productivity. The brain gets deoxygenated after a while. My soul yearns to escape...resulting me in, as ya'll know escaping souls = a sleepy mind and body! Completely not part of the plan coming to class. I rave and pat myself on the shoulder whenever I don't get knocked out.
Adding salt to the wound, I stand out in the class. As in, appearance wise. So I thought I might as well stand out in the best ways possible. I refuse to be known as the covered girl who falls asleep in class but as the covered girl who
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Is Your Desk Killing Your Productivity?
oke. back to lecture notes.
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