
a personal blog

aku terharu


uncle zaid's so sweet. he's new to LB. ayah nabihah.
nabihah mentioned that her parents offered me to stay at their for the time being while im finishing my gcse.
they are soo nice. anty zuhrin pon baik. she said she didnt mind. she wud love to help. dia kesian kan kat aku sbb kene buat spm.
i love her.
uncle zaid n anty zuhrin both came to mine sbb nk amek a few furnitures that we're giving away.
so, diorang singgah rumah. mama takde.. so, aku n ayah la layan diorang.
kitorang ckp psl ni, spm, gcse, bleyh buat, read, concentrate n bla2.
surprisingly, they believe that i can do it and urged me to do form 5 terus.
that was on thursday.
so, on friday, went to school, met biha n she came out with that subject. dia kata mak ayah dia nk aku stay ngan diorang..
i felt soooo appreciated n terharu for the tawaran.

jamuan raya aritu, smalam, anty zuhrin pon talked to me in person again n mentioned it. bersungguh2 betol diorang T_T
masalahnye, diorang ada 5 org anak to look after, semuanya kecik2 lagi...
anddd, to add insult to the injury, he got voted as the Penghulu MML 2008.
hios studies lagi...
he's got loads of responsibilities. already. neva mind having me.

tadi, baru lps abeh badminton, uncle zaid call ayah. dia nk ckp pasal ni la..
dia siap anta emel pe suma lagi.
then, ayah handed over the phone and let mama do the business.
mama just said, terima kasih byk2 sgt, tapi, nnt nyusahkan je..
uncle said, ehh takpa aih..saya akn layan dan jaga ateeqa mcm anak saya sendiri. tak payah pnya laa..
T__T baik gila diorang..
then, mama ckp mekaseh byk2, n kitorang syukur la sbb dpt kawan cam dia, tapi, maybe tuhan buat ni pon sbb ada reason. maybe ada kebaikannya apa suma.
mama tolak bebaik la..aku pon, temenung je la denga.
coursework aku, aku dah buang. dlm recycle bin.
maybe a lil too late. otheriwse maybe, just maybe i wudve accepted.
comparing that by june, i cudve entered Uni instead of doing SPM or worse yet, going back to do Form 4, there are quite a lot of differences. MASSIVE differences.

apapepon, aku terharu sgtt sbb uncle offer. sayang gila kat dia. he's sooo cool. no wonder biha pon manja gila dgn dia.

they are good people. REALLY good people.
may Allah bless them and protect them form any ways of harm.

so,.. this is it.


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